Vintage Outlandish!This Content From 2003 (or earlier) see index
What the shit is this shit?It's an online, realtime, autobio site for me, Josh Koenig. It's the culmination of sorts for my performance training, armchair philosophy, and egotistical hubris. Basically, I've been inspired by the various "my life on the web" sites around the net, and I have the delusionary pride to think that my life, my (mis)adventures, and core beliefs might also attract the attention of wayward websurfers. Secretly, I hope that this will inspire and drive me to forge a more exciting and truthful existence. While I do front-page updates pretty often, I don't think of this site primarily as a blog. I use b2 to power the front page, but I've tweaked it and I code everything else myself. My aim is to create a rich web of content, not just a daily journal. Kind of like a wiki and a blog combined, but maintained mostly by human know-how. I keep telling myself I'll code some really neat features someday, we'll see. My blogger code: Practically speaking, this website mainly serves as a nice way for people who know me to check in on what I'm up to. If you're one of those, just let me remind you that I love you and I'm sorry I don't send you more email or call more often. I'm trying to be better. Lately I've been getting more into the idea of being an "instapundant." Mainly because I've got a lot of opinions on how things aught to be, and I want to be significant. That's a guilty desire, by the way, but you've got to appease the shadow side, lest it consume you. Finally, be forewarned, if you're my parents, friends, or other relation, you might not like everything you read here. You'll get a peek at what's on the inside, plus a long look into the sordid underbelly of my life and times. I have some juicy stuff, online, so kids aughtta watch out. But it's all true, baby. Tech Specs
Blogroll: Stuff I read often, other blogs I know and love. ERROR: is currently inaccessibleTrips
Smother Me With
Filthy Lucre |