The sad thing is that Dennis Prager gets paid to write this kind of ignorant drivel, while a bunch of ankle-biting liberals who are barely old enough to drink (legally) tear him up gratis. Welcome to Dick Cheney's America. Prager prattles:
In fact, the only large body of Jews with a mission are the Jews with the least Jewish religiosity. Such Jews have been disproportionately involved in secular ideologies such as Marxism, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, gay rights, animal rights and every other ideology of the Left.
Most Jews are still running away from their divine mission and causing storms in many places as a result.
Riiiiiight... The Pandagonians lay down the smack. Liked this comment in particular:
Meh, I think the reasons for this kind of trash column are pretty obvious. The conservative hack starts with two unargued postulates:
1. Liberals and liberalism are bad.
2. Some other thing X (in this case, religion, and specifically, Judaism) is good.
Then all that's left is to draw the obvious conclusion:
Liberals who are X can't really be X. In this case, liberals who are Jews are "betraying" Judaism.
Let's try it again:
1. Liberals are bad.
2. Cute little puppies are good.
Thus it's obvious: Liberal puppies (and puppies of liberal owners) aren't really puppies. Personally, I think they're actually secret, church-burning canine robots designed by liberal mad scientists.
What I want to know, however is whether or not Dennis will step up and address the real issue with the Hebrew people: Huckapoo.
Tikkun Olam. It’s the Jewish term for 'healing the world', or turning this once Christian land into a Jewish pig sty... And their favorite targets are our little girls, which they do their best to turn into racemixing dykes and sluts.
Note: the ugly and pointed anti-semitism above is meant to be taken in contrast to the ignorant and hazy anti-leftist/semitism from Prager at the top. The two dingbats may not agree with one another, but both are also wrong. The point is that there's not a great deal if distance from saying "Liberal Jews are ruining the world" to saying "LiberalJews are ruining the world." It's also the point that statements like "LiberalJews are ruining the world" are just as nuts.