"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

We Rollin'

My sister is a damn College graduate!

It's a small world I move in now; at a BBQ with my sister not only were her old friends there, but a girl who I'd met on friday at my birthday, and an MFA volunteer I met in NYC during the RNC. Brie's biting commentary: "It's like MySpace but in real life." It was a good little moment there.

Being on the move has brought some zip into my step. It helps me think like a revolutionary, and by making me a little bit of an observer I'm more likely to see good things. The stickers and sencils all up and down Pratt St; the shirtless wildmen working the grill; the filmmaking, householding and wild mix of different kinds of people.

It was quite a contrast with the actual commencement the next day, which I tend to think is more for the sake of the Institution and the people who support it (read: parents) than the students so much. But the Emmerson kids in general are a different breed. Reminded me of NYU's general population in somewhat disappointing ways. I like my sister's scene. It feels more robust and organic -- oddly mature compared to the kind of aura of mainstream comfort and institutional approval that floated around the college graduates.

Anyway, I'm feeling more free and easy. It's good to be on the road. It's good to meet new people. It's good to laugh and good to talk big and good to flirt with pretty girls (even when you get the heads up via [txt] that she's gulp just eighteen) and good to get a slice on the way home. I'm looking forward to really opening it up for the road. It's going to be amazing.

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Party Photos

Party photos are up! Click any to get the page with all 28.




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The party was a raging success. We demolished the comestables, including a clutch 2am air-drop of two cases of beer from none other than Jay Carson, who arrived from DC just when the keg kicked. I think everyone enjoyed. Truth is, I never really know what to do at such things, tending to run around doing whatever seems useful to help people have the best possible time, to "increase the fun," but there's something deeply life-affirming for me to wander around in the swirl of a popping social mixture.

Anyhow, thanks to the hosts who were generous enough to open their amazing loft apartment; to Andrew for being my chauffer early on; and to all who came and made it a great night. If I missed you, I'll catch you next time.

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Party Arty!

The show went over good last night. It was a big ETW reunion with pretty good vibes all around.

Party Arty tonight -- we'll have a keg and goodies; you bring friends to split a car home with. It will be fun.

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Tonight. Galapogos (70 N6th St, Billzburg), 8pm: CATCH

Frank and I will be performing in the mix with a collection of other "experimental" artists. It's generally a good mix of show, so come check it out. $7; worth it.

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Stirling Newberry

He's one smart cat, and I particularly enjoyed his latest on the Kos, Three Chances for Progressives. It's a good overview of the opportunities which exist for progressive Americans to make big gains in the next few cycles. I particularly liked this bit:

The conservative, in the sense of having a conservative outlook, needs to be appealed to by showing how progressivism values the same things that he does: thrift, hard work, maintaining continuity, tradition, community and earning one's place. Most real conservatives would be progressives if they thought it could work. By showing them that the threat isn't cheating poor people, but people being poor because they were cheated, it changes the dynamics of the equation: most conservatives feel that they have been cheated by the outside. That's why the are conservatives.

Stoller once told me, "Imagine you've been able to predict the future for the past ten years, but no one will listen to you. That's Stirling." Well, it would seem that people are starting to pay attention now. Good thing, too.

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Comments Broke

Commenting is broken again. I'll try and figure it out. Sorry folks.

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Mid 20s

I am now in my mid 20s, there's no use denying that, but some of us feel differently than others. Some of us are career-driven, others do their best to be latter-day Peter Pans. "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up to the stars." Wilde. Great quotes. "I don't want to earn my living. I want to live."

Truth to tell, not much feels different out here; another day, another step forward with the work I've been doing. The routine remains, but I'm on the cusp of a departure. It seems like the digestive process for the past two years is just about complete. Frank and I are performing our retrospective tomorrow. Zacker and I might write a chapter for a book.

Myself, I don't feel particularly wise or knowledgable about many things. I like to pontificate, but I don't really believe that I know very much, so it always comes as a bit of a surprise when other human beings take my opinion as meaning something. In a lot of ways I like that, but I'm wary of it as well. Seems vaguely dangerous or corrupting. I require ball-busting on a semi-regular basis to function, doubly so if I start taking myself seriously.

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Pandagon: Stupid Jews

The sad thing is that Dennis Prager gets paid to write this kind of ignorant drivel, while a bunch of ankle-biting liberals who are barely old enough to drink (legally) tear him up gratis. Welcome to Dick Cheney's America. Prager prattles:

In fact, the only large body of Jews with a mission are the Jews with the least Jewish religiosity. Such Jews have been disproportionately involved in secular ideologies such as Marxism, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, gay rights, animal rights and every other ideology of the Left.
Most Jews are still running away from their divine mission and causing storms in many places as a result.

Riiiiiight... The Pandagonians lay down the smack. Liked this comment in particular:

Meh, I think the reasons for this kind of trash column are pretty obvious. The conservative hack starts with two unargued postulates:

1. Liberals and liberalism are bad.
2. Some other thing X (in this case, religion, and specifically, Judaism) is good.

Then all that's left is to draw the obvious conclusion:
Liberals who are X can't really be X. In this case, liberals who are Jews are "betraying" Judaism.

Let's try it again:

1. Liberals are bad.
2. Cute little puppies are good.

Thus it's obvious: Liberal puppies (and puppies of liberal owners) aren't really puppies. Personally, I think they're actually secret, church-burning canine robots designed by liberal mad scientists.

What I want to know, however is whether or not Dennis will step up and address the real issue with the Hebrew people: Huckapoo.

Tikkun Olam. It’s the Jewish term for 'healing the world', or turning this once Christian land into a Jewish pig sty... And their favorite targets are our little girls, which they do their best to turn into racemixing dykes and sluts.

Note: the ugly and pointed anti-semitism above is meant to be taken in contrast to the ignorant and hazy anti-leftist/semitism from Prager at the top. The two dingbats may not agree with one another, but both are also wrong. The point is that there's not a great deal if distance from saying "Liberal Jews are ruining the world" to saying "LiberalJews are ruining the world." It's also the point that statements like "LiberalJews are ruining the world" are just as nuts.

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Happy Birthday To Me

I'm 26 today. Kind of an anti-climactic age to turn, really. I appreciate all the well wishes, and especially the email from a girl I kissed once or twice a long time ago that simply asked, "are you mature yet?" Gotta love a little birthday scorn.

Anyway, I'm not really doing much today to celebrate, but if you want to congradulate me on living another year or just say hey, Thursday and Friday there are events I'd love to see people at.

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