"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Night Thoughts

So the question before me, again, is what I want to do with my life. What are the things I want? I want happiness; happiness without remorse. That means, love, community, purpose. That means challenge. I don't know why I have this kind of insatiable, depraved drive for challenge. At various times I've felt near these things I say will give me happiness in my life, but it's never enough. It's never Everything.

Why do I chase Everything? It is my own death-wish perverse five-x brand of the American Dream? I'm not seeking dominion or fame or even fortune per se, just a sane place for myself in a community of peers in a civilization that's not going to collapse under the weight of its own thermodynamic excess. Is that too much to ask?

I'd like to see the world. I'd like to regain my self-respect. I'd like to be amazed again, to be agape at the world. I'd like to get my mind off the doomsday cycle, get into the divine fantastic again. I can imagine a great feathered future where romance is still the kind of thing that goes with a quick pulse and dizzy-quick flashes of human brilliance. The highest achievement of existence.

All these things swirl around my head on a windy, frigid thursday evening in New York. They're like ghosts, my memories of my dreams. You hear that, future? We're coming. That's what I thought, anyway.

It's true that I'm tired and worn out, that I'm still coping with feelings of failure and betrayal on something of a spiritual level. I'd just like something to believe in again. The crisis of meaning is huge. I still know how to do good things for other people, for causes and lovers and friends who need a hand, but I'm flummoxed at what to do on my own account. It's a dangerous situation, being without personal desire. Despair, depression and depravity are looming.

I revisit Praxis, this lengthy bit of writing I did two years ago when I was in a similar position. It all seems right still, and I'm not sure whether to be happy for the truth of my course or concerned that I'm spinning my wheels. I feel I aughtta get some more perspective. I still believe I can do just about anything I set my sights on. The question is where can I set those sights sharp and true. It remains an open issue.

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Hobo Jumbalaya

What, no comments on Foucault? It's Foucault, people.

I'm doing well; working lots. The Principles Project conference is this weekend. Should be interesting and fun.

Other than that I'm spending my days at the Atlas Cafe in trendy trendy bilzburg. My nights bouncing from one boozy spot to another. Currently crashing with Jeremy and Wes (photo soon) and plotting my next move. I may make a run up north to Peter's for a bit or perhaps going to ground with my comrade Franz. We shall see.

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Who Among Us Does Not Love Foucault?

So I'm chatting online with Dave, who's writing a paper. Here's something we cooked up for Discipline and Punish:

One of Foucault's points is that society (a.k.a. the system) maintains order (discipline) by creating data about individuals which can be used to categorize them and direct them in the way that society sees fit. Your credit rating, your grades, your "permanent record," these are all examples of ways in which civilization seeks to keep you in line. This isn't necessarily a bad thing -- Power isn't Evil -- but it's something to be congnizant about.

In the information age the real threats to order aren't malicious crackers. As it stands, they're not able to be directly destructive enough to undermine anything. It's just crime. And that's the point: people see and understand that what these people are doing is Wrong, and so there's little chance that their activities will catch on.

The real threats are things which threaten the order and seem Right. This is why the FBI came down so hard on Kevin Mitnick. He didn't steal or break anything; he just got access. His actions betray the ease with which the central position in the panopticon can be assumed. They undermine authority. This is why he's a folk hero of sorts online, and this is why they're making an example of him.

Another great instance of this is the Grokster case, where the dominant powers-that-be in the culture business are attempting to outlaw a technology based on the legal reasoning that it has the potential to violate copyright and therefore it must be prohibited. This goes against much of the American tradition (c.f. guns), but because the case is arcane it may succeed.

The threat to the current cultural regime is dual. On the one hand, there is the relatively minor threat that it feels naturally Right to share culture: to play music for your friends, make it available online, to remix and reuse, even if this is a violation of copyright. This is where they want to keep the debate. Even though the RIAA's party-line that file sharing hurts profits has been proven bogus (revenues and file sharing are both up over the past few years), they like to keep this frame on the debate, because it allows them to claim the moral, entrepreneurial and legal high ground. Even though they could monitize the impulse to share culture and reap huge profits, they don't. Why?

It's the other threat, the big one, the fact that unless they can lock down the power relationships which are being upset by technological progress, they will loose their seat in the center of the panopticon. They need to outlaw anything with the potential to violate copyright not to quack copyright violations, but to put a lid on p2p distribution and promotion. Without tight controls over these, the mainstram revenue stream will escape the current cultural power-elite.

There will always be a place for record labels and there will always be a place for phone companies. It's just that neither of these things need to be massive conglomorates anymore. I don't know how it will go down, but if we're going to escape the 1984 scenario, the information age must be defined by the network, not the panopticon.

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Tenday Forecast

Take this, California...

I don't much mind the snow, except that it's wet and that it slows me way the hell down on my bike. It's kind of annoying like that.

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Irish Snowman

1 pt snow & 1pt Jameson's

Works real good. Almost as good as the Halo 2 soundtrack and biking in the city.

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Steal This Message

Here's the score from some old-style Bull Sessioning.

  • I celebrate the entire bill of rights
  • The US is a republic, not an empire
  • People in this country work too hard for too little
  • Wal*Mart is the Company Store for Red China
  • The Market doesn't give a shit about you, your family, your friends or your community
  • When will it be ok to start having fun again?
  • What the hell are our troops doing overseas without R&R?
  • Free Wireless for all, in the great tradition of the Tennesee Valley Authority
  • The future of Democracy is tied up in the continued freedom of the Internet to allow people to communicate, organize, etc. We need to defent the net from corporate fatcats who want to cut sweetheart deals to turn it into their own private cash cow.
  • And more...

Some of the old crew and I are starting to talk about what's needed now. It's a cultural thing, a technological thing, a political thing and a philosophical thing. Still gestating, but feel free to copy what you will.

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Some kids I know from high school are making a movie, and they re-did their site. Really nice design. Looks similar to what I'm working on for this old pile of bits.

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How to make a Life Poster

Really cool -- I'll be making one of these. Maybe making and selling them from the road. Oh yeah.

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I spent this afternoon in a way I haven't spent an afternoon in a long time. I actually surfed the web, or "waved the net" as we used to say back in the day. The internet is really a blossoming thing. There's a lot of good writing and beautiful design going on out there. It's cool. Gives me hope for humanity.

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Show Me The Funny

Longmire does Romance Novels. Really priceless stuff:

That's something I can aspire to. Gotta keep growing the hair though. Found via daypop.

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