1984 Watch
White House Alters Transcript of Press Briefing.
So the White House wants history to show that Scott McClellen disagreed rather than agreed with a reporter's statement that Karl Rove was certainly involved in the CIA leak. They''ve altered their transcript, and have been lobbying other news orgs to do the same.
The fact that they're going so balls-out on this -- changing McClellen's statement 180-degrees in the face of video evidence clearly showing that he said "that's accurate" and certainly not "I don't think that's accurate" -- reflects a certain kind of desparation, I think.
Or maybe with things in such chaos over there, they've got second stringers running the show. I could imagine some junior-grade yes-men failing to realize that the rules are reverting back to "normal" and that Bush administration's Orwellian powers are on the wane.
I can't believe they'd honestly think this would work though. Weird. The sort of minor nature of the change they're pushing for seems to point to it being part of a strategy of legal defense. We'll see.