Abusing Power 101
Strange phone calls as Bush's Social Insecurity Road Show Continues:
"The man who called was very polite and nice," says John Gasquet, owner of Empire coffee at 2 S. Main in Downtown Memphis. "He said he was special agent Something-or-other. He said that due to the fact that in some states the President had been to, there were issues of security regarding area businesses, he was calling businesses to tell them not to put up any negative signs in their windows that were negative toward President Bush. He said there were designated areas of protest and this would cut down on the possibility of problems."
This is pretty fucked. There's no telling who was making these calls, but this aught to be investigated. If if was really a fed, it's a big constitutional no no, and someone should at the very least take a fall. If it was someome (maybe an over-enthusiastic GOP Team Leader) impersonating a fed, then that's a crime and they aught to be prosecuted.
Apparently it's not just this one guy, but a number of other business owners in more than one state. I hope this is followed up on, because this is really honestly how the ugly phases of facism get started -- as opposed to the merely ominous phases of propaganda, doublespeak and groupthink -- so it would be nice if we could nip it in the bud.
As for me I'm enjoying a nice litle Sunday. I got some really tasty food to cook and I'm watching a movie and later on I'm going to try and write something legitimately artistic. Huzzah.