Battlestar Galactica
G-D it, that's a good show, that Battlestar Galactica. Timely too. Episode 11 is out there, and in light of our own political climate, I think it makes especially poignant viewing.
Here's a thought.
Such as there is a "war on terror," I think we can all acknowledge that it is a not a real war in the sense that we understand it. It's serious buisness and it will likely be with us for a generation at least, but it is a metaphorical war. It's not even a cold war. The only thing that makes it "war" at all is a figure of speech.
I'm going to state the obvious. A metaphor cannot be an excuse for the President (or the State in general) to claim absolute power.
This is how politlcal systems break down. Provide an atmosphere of personal corruption, of propoganda, of spin and dishonesty with the Public, and then simply have someone in power go too far and get away with it. Once the checks are broken and the balances skiewed, it is difficult to set things right. Objects in motion tend to remain in motion. Entropy's a bitch.