Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me
My mood has been vacillating back and forth a lot over the past week. Things are in flux, but the momentum is good. I think what's happening is that there are a lot of possibilities, a lot of change, and it's putting me in unfamiliar emotional territory. I go up and down and up and down, and after being static for a while I freak out from time to time. Must. Learn. To. Retain. Perspective.
It's good to be back home. The more I do it, the less I love sleeping on couches. It was a hard weekend in San Francisco. After the extensive (and expensive) partying for The Girth, Esq. I didn't really get back on the ball until Tuesday, and the schedule was full and heavy. Not a good time to be off your game.
I also had a purely platonic dinner with an old girlfriend that left me wobbly -- prompting the previous post about a lonesome crisis of meaning... "see how he selectively supplies context, the bastard?" -- and searching for purchase. It was one of those moments where you really really want to do or say something, but you're observing the world through thick bulletproof glass, listening to the muffled sound of yourself prattling on about something else, peripheral, dancing around it, wondering why you can't look this person in the eye.
So I posted that blog entry and emailed my #1 romantic adviser, Julia "Solid Gold Pussy" Henning. Writing helps me process, and Julia came back with some quality perspective. I feel better about the whole thing now, grateful even to have my dumplin' jumpin' for a change, but in that moment I felt positively 17 again. Whooof.
Thankfully the coming dawn and advice and a couple good working days reminded me that, yeah, everything will be ok. My direction is positive. Life is good, tomorrow another day, happy happy joy joy. You know the drill.
I had a great return drive. The rental car gods gifted me a satellite radio, which supplied good and original grooves, and once I cleared the traffic hell that exists between San Rafael and Santa Rosa, it was smooth sailing, with some beautiful vistas along the way even, and a cracklin' fire and steaming hot tub waiting for me when I got home.
Today I did some clothes shopping, a little work, and am going to call myself "on vacation" as of now. The sister arrives tomorrow. Should be a good weekend. Gonna do some personal projects (maybe hack at this old website) and writing and let it all sink in.
Hope you and yours are well.
Thu, 2006-11-23 23:51 — TreslerI hear you on this whole front. I've also been up and down for the past two weeks.
Business is great - but I'm not motivated. I want to date. I want to be alone. I network, but the world doesn't understand me. The best thing in the world would be never to worry about money, but I love capitalism and playing the game.
Rumor has it Mercury is in Retrograde.
I just finished making a parade which has always lifted my spirits, and give me that happy exhaustion, and somehow I feel tired cold and lonely. The first two I can understand thats cause I'm tired and cold - the last doesn't make sense. I just came from a huge dinner where I saw a whole group of loved friends.
Anywho, just lettin' you know that it ain't just you.