"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

British Intelligence

Creepy paralells with how the war in Iraq was sold.

In other news the Army will close down Abu Ghraib, though actually what they mean by "Close Down" is "Relinquish Control." The prison will remain in operation, but with Iraqis in charge. I'm sure this means no one will ever be torture there again.

And finally, Rummy proclaims that "if civil war breaks out," the US will pretty much let the iraqis handle it, this is in line with reports last year that the strategic focus for the US to step up air operations. Basically if the shit hits the fan, will do the bombing, and Iraqis mostly the street-level fighting.

They think that will work. Others disagree. I think it's unlikely to work out. If we start blowing shit up, we could face a popular uprising, and our supply lines are vulnerable to that sort of thing. Could get ugly.

