Charmed Life
I lead a charmed life, and sometimes great things just drop onto me without explanation. Last night met a scintillating lady at the Publik House. Seems like every time I go there it's a hot ticket. AP chemisty teacher by day, singer-songwriter-bandleader by night, crooked teeth and bright eyes and all done fucking around with life -- I'm still crackling with the energy. Anyway, it was a great evening; I have only one word for y'all: conversation. Since she lives 'round the corner, I found out that brunch at Enids is really fucking delicious. She also showed me a couple great things on the web. First a gut-bustingly funny webtoon: Strindburg and Helium. Second, a hot photo of her I can show off to all my friends -- though I prefer the human reality to the makeup. She peeked at this page and I turned her on to Odd Todd. It was good. We're both nerds. We riffed about a million little things, connections and accumulation abounding. A choice idea, "Learning and putting knowledge to use: the conjoined twins of intellectual fun." Whooo... I'm in a tizzy. I have to go back and pick up my bike now. I'll enjoy walking in the sunshine.
Speaking of the funny, Julia sends this incomprehensable yet amazing link.