Combat Zone Baghdad
The NYT is reporting that there's about to be some shit going down in Iraq:
BAGHDAD, Iraq, May 26 - In a sweeping effort to strike back at a violent insurgency that has hobbled Iraq's new government since it took power nearly a month ago, the Defense and Security Ministers said today they would deploy thousands of troops to stage a massive search-and-arrest operation in the capital over the next week.
This is going to be interesting. The insurgency seems to be pretty liquid, so they might melt into the surrounding areas, making this a kind of empty show of force that will probably annoy citizens with it's authoritarian intrusiveness. On the other hand, the insurgency also seems to strike when it wants. And if it wants, this could mean real urban combat, which would be ugly.
There's an off chance that this might really break some insurgent networks, but given that they're tellegraphing it and the lockdown is temporary, I don't see it as likely.