David Brooks Calling For Cultural Revolution?
I don't know if he's just kidding or he thinks he's being coy, but David Brook's Sunday column in the Times gave me the willies. Entitled, Karl's New Manifesto, he reacpitulates the language of Marx's communist manifesto, but with the glib Friedman-esque turn of updating it to "the information age" and identifying education as the new class signifier.
Undereducated workers of the world, unite! Let the ruling educated class tremble! You have nothing to lose but your chains. You have a world to win!
Clever. Except, you know, they actually tried that in China. It was called The Cultural Revolution and it didn't really work out all that well.
Maybe not clever though. I think Brooks is using his perch at the NYT to needle the readerbase, but this is how propaganda starts. Propaganda is something, by the way, Bush self-identifies as using (nice little video there). Just another one of those days, I guess.