Earth To Democrats
Update: Recommend the kos diary, get the meme going.
Update 2: It looks like I didn't break through. That's ok. I'll just work the idea up a little more. Here's another interesting angle: usury.
It's spelled W-E-D-G-E I-S-S-U-E:
Let me tell you something, ok? When Freepers sing Krugman's praises, and the king of righty bloggers comes down against the every Republican in the Senate there's something going on.
Oh, and the fact that Credit Card Debt (and that payday/title loan bullshit) constitute nothing less than 21st-Century sharecropping make reforming consumer credit the right thing to do. It's not just an electorial winner, it's consistent with your principles to boot. This wedge has your name written all over it. Do you want to pick up seats in 2006 or not?
It occurs to me that with a modest effort similar to what Matt and Bob and I did with There Is No Crisis we might actually get this on the national radar. I'd really rather the Chairman or someone of similar stature take the lead, but I'm not holding my breath.