"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

The Flourescent Light People

The New York Times Habitats: A Fashion Foursome's Silver Cage

Frank lived for a while next door to these people, subletting a room in a great loft near Chinatown. I stayed with him right after getting out of school. We'd drink french press coffee in the morning and wonder what the people whose apartment we could see into were doing with all their silver walls, flourescent lights and plastic curtains.

Now we know. They were fashion weirdos. I think we realized this at the time; there was some concept that they had gotten recognition in the indie/underground fashion press, but this was at the tail end of When It Was All Changing in New York, the decade when the isle of Manhattan's gentrification was more or less completed. There's so little room now for weirdos without trust funds to do anything, it's hard to get a critical mass together. That's why Brooklyn is so hot. It's where all the boho talent when when it was priced off the island.

Can't wait to get back!

