"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


It's worth noting that if current polling trends continue there's a chance that Bush could face deadly serious political consequences; should the Democrats retake the House or Senate in a year the fur may fly. The Public is waking up and smelling the white phospherous (warning: ugly ugly link) and isn't too happy about how everything has gone down. There's a legitimate (though slim) chance that Bush could even face impeachment, or slightly more likely a series of investigations into his administration which could lead to a Nixon-esque resignation under duress.

I'm not getting my hopes up -- the Democratic party's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is storied and epic -- but the political and legal logic is there. Should the Dems actually forge a vital coalition tapping the massive charge of static energy building up between the moral outrage on the Left and the desire catharsis in the Center/Right, the sparks just might be enough to short out the Republican Noise Machine.

And yeah, I know a lot of politics lately. Election-time, ok? I actually went on a date last night and that was prety good too, but I don't tend to kiss and blog, so you'll have to bear with my interests.

