I've Been Out-blogged!
I'm in Minneapolis for the great MfA winter mind-meld, and last night we had a lot of fun partying and meeting the amazing volunteer group here at 1st avenue. I stayed later to dance and relax. And, it seems, now I'm having my first bonafide Justin Hall moment. Oh man. It's all there in lively detail; humanity, or its closest textual approxomation. Lucky for me she came in after my karaoke act.
The best part is that someone discovered this while we were all meeting the next day, and it was read aloud in front of me and my coworkers. Truly a great moment in blogging. The public and private are shifting, and while it made me blush for a while, I also think its a great thing. All our lives are rich, full of truth and beauty; it's just that most of us don't realize or communicate this on a frequent basis. I've been getting numb over the past six months. It's good to have a clear articulation of a real moment.
It's been quite an experience being here in Minneapolis. There's a ton of cool stuff happening, and lot more energy just waiting to be liberated. I hope to come back soon.