"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Let's Put The Balls Back In Prose

In Which I Explain With A Single Quote My Certainty That All My Achievements Will Be Eclipsed By My Sister:

By 7[pm] I was sitting in the back of a really small, really red, bar (alone, I might add. A practice I'm not a fan of) listening to some Columbia graduates read from their first published works. Nothing like hearing words pulled off the page and spoken out loud, it evokes a good feeling, a little internal nudge that this is what I really love spending my time doing. But, for the love of God, what's with that fucking wispy, ethereal, panty waist voice grown men get when they read poetry? That's got to stop, people. Let's put the balls back in prose.

The blog you all really want to be reading.

I'm doomed! Doooooomed!


After reading your excerpt, I was worried that your sister was chronicliing come weird child abuse where she was taken to bars, at 7 years of age, and forced to listen to Columbia intellectuals read their triumphal poems dedicated to all sorts of dead 19th century poets. And, that by calling for putting the balls back in prose, it was a reclamation of some sort. I was glad to see it was just some self induced abuse at 7 at night. Makes you wonder what happens when media outlets do that kind of thing on purpose. I agree, more balls in prose, and possibly at Columbia too.

Updated for clarity. Our family is not that postmodern.

I beg your pardon! Infinite recurrent readings of "BUGS BUNNY'S CARROT MACHINE" was NOT child abuse.. but more so parent abuse!

you wascally wabbits

Weekie Weekie Weekie! Weekie Weekie Weekie!

This makes no sense if you haven't read that book, and especially if you didn't have a pa who turned the pretense -- gotta find something orange to put in the "machine" -- into a lengthy live-action pastime. Anyway, good fun.

Agreed. Since when did literacy start signifying being a fucking pussy? This is a perfect example of the phenomenon whic I fucking loathe-the sense the intellect is not masculine. It must fucking stop. The panzy ass hipster poets die first.

I agree that the masculine intellect must be reclaimed for our generation, hopefully without that old strain of misogyny.

This can generally best be accomplished by stripping naked and telling at traffic.

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