"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Net Neutrality: Dueling Videos

The Telcos have a folksy piece of flash propaganda out as a paid ad on most of the major blogs that's hitting back against Net Neutrality. It features freaky ranters (me), corporate fatcats (google, yahoo and microsoft), and a balding bureaucrat (the g-man).

The ad is highly misleading overall (of course). One of the things it doesn't feature is any telecommunication company. Funny, that. But to me, the best part is this:

"Net Neutrality is about who controls the internet: the people, or the government."

Huh. I wonder where turning over all phone records to Homeland Security spooks fits into this equation?

This is market fundimentalism at its finest: the will of the people is expressed through (unregulated) markets and frustrated by things like democratic government. This sort of ideology has been roundly shown to be false in real-world situations, yet it remains a strong force within the culture of Corporate America, which dominates the mindset of Washington DC. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

You wanna see a real video about Net Neutrality? Ask a motherfucking ninja:

There's more here.
