"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Orphan Josh

I seem to be loosing my thirst for political blood lately. I have no one to fight for. Maybe it's just the bum tide of the new year or the lingering flu, but the establishment seems increasingly to be in a downward spiral from which it will not recover, even with a change in congress, and the revolution is flaccid to say the least.

I catch myself wishing that the undercurrent of doom would crest already. So we can get on to the next thing.

What's your Dangerous Idea?

The crisis of meaning is unpleasent for me. Survival has never been all that consuming of a pursuit, and I need stars to reach for. For the past three years or so various political maneuvers (peace, Dean, MFA, the aftermath) have been the locus of my ambition. Not sparking my cylendars anymore. Currently grasping at straws. Bleah.

Well, it's not really all that bad. I'm more or less certain something else will come along.

