"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Politics Is Broken (I Said It Once Before But It Bears Repeating)

Bush is reportedly set to roll out his plan to escalate the occupation in Iraq, following along with the heir-apparent "McCain Doctrine" and explicitly rejecting all the elements of that big bipartisan "we've got your ass covered, George" committee that family consigliare Howard Baker fixed up.


Whether or not Nancy's House and/or Harry's Gang stomps on this will be a major test for the new year. Bush has no public support for this or any other plan of escalation, and nobody with a shred of strategic insight believes it will do anything but get more people killed quicker. This shouldn't happen.

Stomp it. Stomp it right now and make it the spine-breaker for this pathetic lame duck asshole. The C-in-C is drunk, or at least acting like it. Take his keys.

Also, to all my neo-hippie kin: this summer would be a great time to ramp up some big old protests. Climate's right, and it plays into a lot of evolving dynamics. Let's get on top of this and have someone with brains organize it rather than leaving it up to ANSWER, eh?


Love the Deadwood ref.

And according to Wikipedia, the Deadwood cocksuskers will have two feature length TV movies, to be broadcast on HBO and expected to air in 2007, that will tie up various series plotlines.


yeah. HBO pulled Deadwood's plug with the guarantee of a movie to tie up plotlines.

