"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Revolutionary Rosetta Stone

From my dawg Sterling F**king Newberry -- Words To Live By.

Instead of _____ use ____:

  1. "Intelligent Design" use "Ignorant Denial".
  2. "Intellectual Property" use "Intellectual Capital"
  3. "Digital Rights Management" use "Digital Rent Management"
  4. "Tax Cuts", use "Revenue Reductions"
  5. "Conservative" use "Reactionary"
  6. "Borrow and Spend" use "Borrow and Squander"
  7. "Mainstream Media" use "Top Down Media"
  8. "Pro-Choice" use "Pro-privacy"
  9. "Abortion rights" use "Privacy Rights"
  10. "Wealthy" use "Privileged"
  11. "Free Trade" use "Labor Arbitrage"
  12. "Tax" use "Recapture"
  13. "A Tax", use "a drag"
  14. "Christian Right", use "Christianist Right"
  15. "War in Iraq", unless you mean the entire cycle, "Occupation of Iraq"
  16. "Social Security Crisis" use "Budget Crisis"
  17. "Defense spending" use "military spending"
  18. "Capitalism", use "Corporatism".
  19. "Corporate", use "Pyramid"
  20. "Social" use  "Public" or "National"
  21. "Bush Administration" use "Bush Executive"
  22. "Fiscal Liberal" use "Fiscal Libertine"
  23. "Alternative Energy" use "Sustainable Energy"

That's a good compilation of language to use for anyone seeking to break out of the stale and cyclical political "debate" that's locked us up for the past four years. If you want to read some explanations of what Sterling says these things mean, read the whole diary.

