"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

The Shift Is On

Ok party people, it's time to get down and finish this sick old dog that is the Bush Administration off:

Their Tower of Babel is Collapsing.

The Tower of Babel is a great metaphor here. It's biblical, a lot of people will get it, and it's dead-on accurate. Dig it:

The strength of Team Bush is based on their message-discipline, the fact that they present a monolithic and seamless front to the world. They all express the same opinions, even using the same language. It's the apex of the "talking points" methodology, and for the past three and half years it's worked.

But now, like all propaganda efforts, it's coming into conflict with reality. It's starting to break down. The massive hubristic tower Bush built by having his workers speak one language -- this tower of Babel (or babble, if you prefer) -- is beginning to crumble as the rest of the world starts to realize the language they speak has at best a tangential relationship with reality. They're being forced to improvise, forced in some cases to own up to the truth, and the effects are going to be devistating.

Kerry/Edwards has found their groove and the Bush Gang is skipping around like a CD you fished out from under your car seat. The momentum is ours if we take it.

Now is the time to bear down and push hard. Maybe write a letter to the editor (get a list from downhillbattle); maybe send a mass-email to your friends (this ad is good); maybe sign up to do some volunteering in the next week, maybe even with traditional orgs.

And for those of you who can't tell. I think I've found my groove too. I truly believe that unseating this administration -- a presidency so corrupt it makes Nixon look like a postmaster general stealing a few stamps from time to time -- is probably the most noble work that any American can do over the next five weeks. With a little luck and elbow grease, it will be grand fun as well. Democracy in action is a beautiful thing.

