"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Slashdot On Net Neutrality

The techno-rabble weigh in, and as usual the nerds get it:

Seriously though... we will just surf the nets!
(Score:4, Funny)
by crazyjeremy (857410) * on Tuesday April 25, @02:09PM (#15198595)
I can see it now... if they fail, we will soon be surfing the netS. One of them will be like BETA INTERNET, the other like VHS INTERNET. After some debate (and a brief LASERDISC INTERNET) BETA INTERNET will die.


There's a healthy skepticism towards the telcos, which have hardly been paragons of businees or engineering excelence.

Stupid competition, stupid capitalism (Score:2, Insightful)
by SlappyBastard (961143) on Tuesday April 25, @02:34PM (#15198820)
What is funny is that the telecoms didn't get real horny for this issue until the DSL price war broke out.

What I always love is that Big Business in America supports a free and open market for about an hour, and then gets all huffy because competition and efficiency force them to work harder.

Suddenly, free enterpise becomes bullshit, and they start pining for a mercantile economy.

If the value proposition for putting up new lines isn't there, maybe Verizon can just ditch its FIOS roll-out and leave us with really old, worn-out copper wiring that runs dial-up at a blazing 7 kbps.

Why is it the government's job to fix their value proposition?

My favorite though:

Damn It! (Score:2)
by gasmonso (929871) on Tuesday April 25, @02:14PM (#15198640)

The US created it and damnit the US can destroy it!
