"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up: Koenig the Content Producer

I need to get creative again. I love blogging, but the truth is my sister CrowDawg is a lock to be the great American novelist in the family. And anyway my real bookish ambitions were always more non-fiction-esque (blueprints for the revolution), which lends itself to other formats perhaps more. So I think I know what I want to do.

I want to compete with Joe Felice.

I don't mean to literally try to beat him at anything -- much better to have a little co-opetition -- but rather to play in that space of DIY talking-head media. He's done a fucking inspiring job with his video productions, and I want to get on the bandwagon.

Granted, this is something I've made noise about a number of times before, so believe it when you see it, but I've been feeling for a while that I need some kind of change of pace, a more structured creative outlet as I said, and for some reason w/Obama getting in, feeling like I want that to mean something, reading this Krugman blog post and seeing the awesome graphic in the post below that Nica made, it all started clicking.

Here's what I would do:

  • Save up several thousand dollars for equipment (camera, workstation) probably by being selfish and not buying any extravagant gifts this holiday season (easy)
  • Start writing material; my initial goal would be to do a king-hell job explaining what I'm trying to express in this confusing list of bullet points (medium)
  • Build myself a kickass website (easy)
  • Move into the garage in Westhaven and construct some kind of broadcast set (medium)
  • Sometime in the new year, arrange to devote on work-day a week to get all this stuff done (hard)

The challenge will be to intermingle my talking-head stuff with good infographics and the like. I think the traditional video newsmarket does a really terrible job of presenting ideas, particularly when it comes to meaty topics.

The real challenge will be getting anything off the ground in time to make a difference. That will mean real discipline and time-management, things I want to be better at, but still struggle with to be honest. We'll see.

There's even a strong way in which this could play back into my existing dayjob career. It might be very nice.


I'd love the competition. Let's talk. See you Tuesday evening? 8pm, Cafe Charbon, Stanton and Orchard?

extravagant gifts this holiday season
While I can't speak for Brie, I think best present would be for you to actualize what you want to do.

Move into the garage in Westhaven and construct some kind of broadcast set
I have kids with major chops in this area. We can advise on equipment/software and a road trip to set you up would be a great experience for them [training included..lol].

That will mean real discipline and time-management, things I want to be better at, but still struggle with to be honest.
From my perspective, this is your major challenge.

You know what you want to do. You have a vision. You also have business and other responsibilities. How do you carve time out for your vision?

Go to Church.

Make one day a week the sacred day. The day you work on your vision…no matter what.

Additionally, allow help from others with the "non-creative" aspects of your vision. I’m not sure you accept how many people have your back and might be willing to jump in and assist you to get this up and running.

That's my 2¢.
