"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

What's At Stake

What's At Stake

For anyone out there who thinks Bush and Kerry are just "two sides of the same coin," take a look at the page I've been working on for the past few days over on MfA.

P. Diddy ain't kidding when he rocks those shirts that say "Vote or Die." The stakes are high, especially for our future. The contrast is clear and the time to raise our voice is now.

A lot of people don't like their choices. It's not my ideal election either, but our future is at stake, and we better do something or quit bitching.

If you're smart enough to be concerned about your vote, you've proven yourself smart enough to cast it. And to be honest we need all the smart people we can get this time around. It's that big a deal. Seriously.

What's At Stake: pass it on.

