"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Yes, Photoshopping Howard Dean In Front Of A Swastika Is JUST LIKE Charlie Chaplin!

Apropops my previous post, on the down-side the internet's empowering publishing ability lets idiots run free. It's often less than pretty.

FWIW I don't think it's a great idea for anyone (left or right) to try and liken their political opponents to Adolph. It's tasteless. Goodwin's law, and all that, you know? But whatever, it happens.

However, the author makes a defensive attempt to point out Charlie Chaplin's work in that vein -- The Greatest Dictator -- saying "it's just a joke" like that but this only makes things worse. This unchecked aggression on the meaning of clowning cannot stand. I'm fully willing the believe she thought what she was doing is funny (which you can judge however you like), but the Chaplin comparison is insulting to anyone who's actually tried to do comedy, not to mention patently illogical.

Let's break it down. Charlie Chaplin was a comic genius (hint: you're not), who dressed himself in the likeness of Hitler (hint: you photoshopped Howard Dean, not yourself) and made a fairly relavant point about international politics (hint: your work is at best a blaring
non-sequitor... it's not even on-topic for your post). Also, quoth imdb Charles Chaplin said that had he known the true extent of Nazi atrocities, he "could not have made fun of their homicidal insanity".

So don't compare yourself to Chaplin, lady. It's embarassing for all of us.

