You Wanna Fuckin' Go?
Duncan taking Mr. Reasonable Matt Yglesias to task:
The primary conceit of the "liberal hawks" has been and is that only they are "serious" about the security of the nation. Support for the Iraq war demonstrated that seriousness, no matter how misguided it was. The truth is concern for our national security was a very real reason to oppose the Iraq war, and the primary reason for lots of its opponents.
That's what I'm fucking talkin' about! You want to hear a hawkish liberal stance? How about "we're at the mercy of Communist China because of our disasterous fiscal policies!" How about "Our lack of a comprehensive health care system has made us a sitting duck for bioterrorism!" How about "our reactionary drug laws are preventing effective treatment (via MDMA) of Post traumatic Stress Disorder; why do they hate our troops?"
Big ups to what Atrios says here. My problem with the so called "Liberal Hawks" (and the conservatives too) is that they really don't seem to be serious about the real threats we face as a nation and as a world. There's nothing like getting a condescending lecture from someone who's ass is hanging out of their pants.