Outlandish Josh dot-com
Outlandish: The blog
About: Who is this guy?
Life: The adventure of a lifetime
Art: My church
People: Make it worthwhile
Politics: The art of controlling your environment
Work: Necessity, purpose, honor
Contact: Only connect
Pussy, it's what's for dinner

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Vintage Outlandish!

This Content From 2003 (or earlier) see index

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The Compound

All Along The BQE

The Schwinn City Sinners: hell on wheels, rolling machismo, more tough than the AARP and the girl scouts combined: nine testicles of fury.

We are a roaming gang of miscreants

Hot: Greenpoint
Not: North Williamsberg
Punk Rock Music
Zywiec "The beer of Poles"
Harrassing people on the BQE from our roof
Leaning on walls

The Strokes
Pseudo Intelectuls
Wannabe thugs
Graphic design
capri pants for men

What can I say? My roomates and I have own brand of humor. Pictured in the above photo (and collaborating on this entry) are the following, from left to right: Frank (The Enabler), Josh (Outlandish), Wes (Turbo Exhaust), Jeremy (Slarz) and Kevin (Murphy). Not pictured (but also a part of the Meeker Ave crew): Alex (A-Stock), John and Sarah.

We like to dress in cosutmes too.
[outlandish] | [my story] | [love] | [sin] | [places] | [philosophy]

Blogroll: Stuff I read often, other blogs I know and love.

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* denotes freshness


Trips in Space and Time 8/02/03

Big Wheels in Berkeley
I scored a set of west-coast wheels today at the Ashby BART station flea market. It's a very tall schwinn road bike, black, deceptively heavy but smooth-riding. Thirty-five dollars to boot. I oiled and cleaned the works, dialed in the bakes and took it out for a shake-down cruise immediately. Nice riding on a beautiful saturday, realizing how out of shape I am as I wheezed my way though the hilly area behind the Berkeley campus.

After about an hour I started to get the swing of it. Made some minor mechanical adjustments (including a free wheel truing at the bike collective on Shattuck), drank a few liters of water and started finding my groove, cruising up and around and ending up with a beautiful view of the whole bay. The roads here are not kind to the speed inclined -- too many stop signs and crosswalks and lights -- but it was good to get out and proj for a while. This changes my summer dramatically.

...older trips...


Smother Me With
Filthy Lucre