Breaking Radio Silence
It's been a quiet couple of days here on the old blog, but not in my life! As you can probably guess, less posts here mean I have something "more important" to do. More important than blogging? Who the hell does this guy think he is?
Well, apparently I'm an asset to the movement. I've been writing up some things over on my DeanSpace Blog which people seem to like. I also get random complements thrown my way from people who seem, for one reason or another, to be impressed by what I can do. I don't quite know how to react to it all, taking complements -- recieving in general -- has never been my strong suit.
I also have a lot of random friends from around the world. My old ETW friend Emily and her man Klaas were visiting with us the past two days in the Bay. I last saw Emily in the Netherlands, where she and Kalaas live, when I was there on a logreport junket. I took these cool photos of them dancing -- back then when I had a camera -- but I never posted them. So here:

I also spent saturday hanging out with long-lost highschool buddy Chris Pruett, who's now a professional video game developer. We had a good old time talking about tehcnology, and about videogames as a future mainstay of cuture. In spite of what many of my adult friends think, as a medium video games have the potential to be a truly great avenue for storytelling and positive interactive experience as well as mindless fun. Personally, I find the scene to be exciting.
Chris is especially interested in the Surival Horror sub-genre of games, and is working his way through playing all the titles in this category, the better to understand and make use of the form. This tied in to the whole 28 Days Later line of thinking, what we can learn from fear and how to harnass the darker aspects of our human nature for creative ends. A lot of intersting thought buzzing around my head the past few days.