The Lovely Ms. Hennin in the flesh. In addition to her being a long-time friend, she's terribly photogenic.
I met Julia my first day living at NYU. She and her roomate Nadine came around to all the rooms on the 12th floor of Rubin and introduced themselves. Back then she was still making the transition between California catholic school girl hippy chick and jet-setting New Yorker.
We spent a lot of time hanging out in her room, watching silly TV and generally trying to ruin our collective GPAs. One time a bunch of us went to a strip club. When we came back we got real drunk and you can imagine what happened (we were all 18/19 years old, for crissakes). Anyway, it's a good thing someone's roomate came in and iterrupted our incipient freshman group grope before it got out of hand. The point is that I bit her nipple at one point. I've since learned to be far more sensative and discreet, but she will never let me live down.
In spite of the above, Julia was really the first close female friend I've had. I'd known lots of girls before, but I'd never become very intimate friends with them. Part of this had to do with the fact that she dated Frank for a long while. I seem to be good at making friends with women he dates (e.g. Emily).
Secretly, I think Julia and Frank are kind of soulmates. Not that they should date now, but I think maybe they'll find eachother randomly in 10 or 15 years and leave their respective unhappy marriages for a romp in the tropics or something.
Julia's an artist too. We went to ETW together, and she made a lot of interesting self-scripting work. She's really good at the 3rd-wave feminist intelectual/sexual deconstruction thing... so good that it's all of the above and still quite entertaining. She does stuff at axiom fairly regularly.