"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


The Nuclear Option

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I don't know what anyone's complaining about. This was just as good as the other ones. FWIW I didn't think the others were any more than popcorn-munching fun, so maybe I'm out of synch with the expectations game.

Also, the bit at the beginning w/Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen coming to visit young Jean Grey... those two old British dudes so totally want to make out.

Very likely, based on the opening weekend take, there will be a fourth. Maybe we'll finally get a little Gambit action.

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Flaky Server

My server is acting up. Hopefully it'll all get worked out shortly.

This is also why comment moderation is on for the moment.

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Summer Begins

Humidity, the backstabbing slayer of spring.

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Soymilk in my Coffee

It's like I'm on the westcoast already, except it's really that I'm too lazy to go buy more half'n'half.

Drywall hanging going on upstairs. Hope it's over soon.

Looking forward to the weekend. X3 tonight!

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Lost Finale

Two episodes in the torrentfeed. I have not yet watched. Maybe tonight.

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The Future Is Now

Photo from ColOmbia... creepy. (spelling tip: Yuliya)

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Law Schoolers

Big Ups to Franz, the Girth and Melissa for surviving the crucible of law school at their respective institutions. I've always instinctively felt that my social network was an above-average galaxy of connections (world-class, if you must know), but seeing so many friends power through a ritual experience that often results in washout, breakdown and/or general psychosis makes me proud. It's evidence of excellence.

Plus, it's good to know that when the shit hits the fan, I'll have some litigators I can call.

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Back Out Front

The nice feelings continue to roll in as I carry on with the process of pulling up my stakes. I'm semi-resolved not to really worry about it. Why sweat a good thing?

It seems to me that as long as I can say Out Front, things are going to be ok. This is one of the terms Ken Keasy used when he talked about the Prankster way of being open and honest. In his time, a lot of people were struggling with a set of social expectations and roles that were much more restrictive than what we deal with today.

I think our generation faces a different challenge. We have a much lighter set of social norms, but we also live in a civilization which is deeply steeped in the art of manipulation through image/information management. There's somewhat less pressure to fit into an established cookie-cutter role, but there's a lot more temptation -- maybe even an expectation -- to try and manage perceptions, to create a story about ourselves.

A lot of business works this way, and a lot of relationships (romantic or friendly) do too. Getting Out Front in the modern context means dropping the act. It's less an escape and more a surrender, but it's no less important, I think.

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