"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Injun Abortion

South Dakota Indians To Offer Abortion Clinics Safe Harbor

This is an interesting development. There are few states without a Rez, and although they are often remote, if these state bans stick, it could be part of an answer. Planned Parenthood will need to raise a few million dollars for constuction, and NAARAL can do something useful by offering to subsidize transportation to and from Soverign Territory for women in need.

The wingers heads will 'splode of course, but I think it would work.

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Kleptones: 24 Hours

It's insanely listenable. There's some very interesting soundscaping tying together number of knee-slappin' pop tracks. Just check out some of these:

Down on Bennies, a rockin' take on an Elton John song I never liked.

Sixteen Sisters, wich picks up the old "Sixteen Tons" and gives it new life.

There's lots of hot Soul put to great use, as in Amazing Temptation.

This is art. It's good. You should be allowed to do this without having to deal with lawyers.

Anyway, the whole thing is on their site and in my torrentfeed. It's really an album, in the best way. This raises the bar for remix/mashup creations.

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Krebs' birthday, a typical slaughter for me. Fun, but kind of unhinged, adolescent. Jello shots? What!?! It was all downhill from there...

I've got to work on my Drinking Liberally style. This wasn't that, but the pattern was the same. It always seems I get there too early, and then get too drunk by the time people I want to talk to arrive. Perhaps I should try harder to be fashionably late, or maybe stick to water for a time. Would be easier on the wallet/liver too.

On the plus side I had a productive afternoon meeting with Jon and Eric. Check it out:


We're making a "Political Digg."

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Torrentfeed - The Kleptones - 1800 War Of Confusion

Clicky clicky; listen, listen.

From the just-released 24 Hours by those crazy Pirate Artists from the UK, the Kleptones.

A torrent for the whole double-album is in my torrentfeed.

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Torrentfeed - The Kleptones - 1800 War Of Confusion

Clicky clicky; listen, listen.

From the just-released 24 Hours by those crazy Pirate Artists from the UK, the Kleptones.

A torrent for the whole double-album is in my torrentfeed.

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Via Atrios, we find that Chris Matthiews is finally realizing the Iraq wasn't, in fact, payback for 9/11:

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: "Well I am just going to stick to this point that the president led us in there with the background music of American culture. Everybody was led to believe that we were getting payback, we were avenging what happened on 9/11 and that we are going to get them."

That's why we're at war -- because we had to get them. It was fucking obvious from the start to anyone who cared to take a deep breath and think about it that this was irrational and bullshit.

I wonder, when will Mr. Matthiews begin to question and contemplate his own complicity in all this?

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That Was Quick

Ben Domenech resigns. A pity. I was looking forward to more discussions of Red Dawn.

The "youngest political appointee in the Bush Administration" (and the son of an appointee himself) was probably not the greatest choice for a historical bastion of journalism like the Washington Post to attach their name to, but you think they would have done some better reference-checking.

This is sort of egg on the fact of the WaPo for a few reasons. One, the bowed to traditional "Liberal Media" hersey and put their brand behind a nakedly partisan contributor to "balance" their journalistic bloggers (like Dan Froomkin) who, whaddya know, investigate and criticize the government. Secondly, they hired a lemon. Thirdly, it took the blogging rabble all of a week to dig up conclusive evidence that this kid is a plagarist.

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That Was Quick

Ben Domenech resigns. A pity. I was looking forward to more discussions of Red Dawn.

The "youngest political appointee in the Bush Administration" (and the son of an appointee himself) was probably not the greatest choice for a historical bastion of journalism like the Washington Post to attach their name to, but you think they would have done some better reference-checking.

This is sort of egg on the fact of the WaPo for a few reasons. One, the bowed to traditional "Liberal Media" hersey and put their brand behind a nakedly partisan contributor to "balance" their journalistic bloggers (like Dan Froomkin) who, whaddya know, investigate and criticize the government. Secondly, they hired a lemon. Thirdly, it took the blogging rabble all of a week to dig up conclusive evidence that this kid is a plagarist.

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Art School And Empire

In the comments below, the dirty one writes something worth a frontpage reply:

I’d say the most suprising things is that you paid all that money for a college degree and you misspelled Wolverines. However, you do make a point about our imperialist tendences. I would ask one question though: which method of imperialism is more damaging, our bombs in Iraq, or the horrible blight on the world that we call Walmart? Fact: I was reading the base paper today, and the phase “The sun never sets on the USAF”, was included, talk about Irony.

Hey man, thanks for the catch on spelling.

It's a well known fact that I paid all that money to go to faggy-ass art school (i also made that website), and that my primary education doesn't teach you to read, so I had to learn it on my own. Just like you had to sometimes shoot food off your back porch, except with more priviledge and artsy-fartsy crap for me, and more stacks of Club International for you. It's a rich tapestry.

And you're correct about Walmart and the like, although I think the aims of most of those really big multinational corporations -- and the individuals who run in those circles -- in many ways represent the emergence of a new interest, distinct from the traditional "National Interest" that traditionally drives imperial expansion (e.g. the interests of the Crown, Napoleonic Code, the Reich, etc).

One could argue that the US military-industrial-complex, resource-extraction enterprises (read: oil, but also some other stuff) and the institutional powers pushing the Globalized race to the bottom for labor, crap products and mass consumer debt (Wall Street, Wal*Mart, Not-Quite-So-Red China, Big Media) are working together to bring about some kind of hellish NEW WORLD ORDER!

But that would be paranoid.

State of Jefferson here I come: back-porch deer and faggy-ass arts education for all!

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