"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


"Let us join together before we are annihilated."

Strong words from Mr. Wonder. I wonder what Ms. Franklin and Messrs Jagger, Richards, et all will add to the debate?

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"Let us join together before we are annihilated."

Strong words from Mr. Wonder. I wonder what Ms. Franklin and Messrs Jagger, Richards, et all will add to the debate?

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GM is making a big push for Ethanol in ads run during the super bowl. Making this from corn is not a great long-run solution (Bush's notion of wood chips and grasses is actually much more viable), but if automakers begin making engines with the necessary modifications to run on Ethanol, that's a net winner for people in the long run. It's not appreciably more expensive to do so, and it opens up possibilities, so that a Good Thing.

Personally I lean more towards diesel hybrids, which I will be able to drive on Algae, or maybe old grease. But if GM really did start making it's engines Ethanol-ready, it would be a good move.

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Network Neutrality

Check the image over on yr right. They're runing a paid blogad campaign, but I jacked the gif and put it up myself at no charge.

This is a petition worth signing. The backing org is Free Press, which is bonafide. Network Neutrality is an important issue. I believe that the right of citizens to freely move data online will a defining issue of the 21st Century. A whole lot of things hinge on that.

Sign it.

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Network Neutrality

Check the image over on yr right. They're runing a paid blogad campaign, but I jacked the gif and put it up myself at no charge.

This is a petition worth signing. The backing org is Free Press, which is bonafide. Network Neutrality is an important issue. I believe that the right of citizens to freely move data online will a defining issue of the 21st Century. A whole lot of things hinge on that.

Sign it.

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Time Warner Cable: Totally Incompetent

Well, I take the day off from work and stay home for my appointment (noon to 6pm window) and no one shows up. Call the helpdesk and there's no record of anything happening, no record of an appointment, nothing. The account is still under the wrong name. It's like dealing with a fucking robot. The people who I talk to are not empowered to actually do anything to deal with my problem; they're stuck with the same broken database that's causing the issue in the first place.

The glaring truth is that Time Warner (along with a lot of other large businesses) have automated their institutional knowledge, and have done so in a way that creats errors and which prevents their human customer service agents from correcting problems. They've done this primarily to reduce costs.

They have a monopoly so I cannot take my business elsewhere, but as a consumer I really want to punish this business for being so thoroughly incompetent. It's what the market would want me to do.

Anyone have any ideas?

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PFAW Doesn't Get It

One fucking day after they were shown to be totally ineffective with the Alito confirmation, PFAW is trying to raise money off the State of the Union speech.

This is exactly the kind of "the internet is a big ATM" kind of behavior that people don't like. PFAW should go back to it's old direct-mail donorbase who don't seem to care about winning and loosing. Better yet, they should go back to the drawing board.

We need accountability in progressive organizations. That means saying no to rewarding failure.

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The Skinny on Human-Animal Hybrids, from PZ Meyers:

[Bush]'s trusting that everyone will think he is banning monstrous crimes against nature, but what he's really doing is targeting the weak and the ill, blocking useful avenues of research that are specifically designed to help us understand human afflictions. His message isn't "We aren't going to let the mad scientists make monsters!", it's "We aren't going to let the doctors help those 'retards.'"

That's certainly a little bit of a downer, though not exactly surprising for Mr. Bush.

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Google, Microsoft and Others on China

I was thinking about the little flap with Google censoring its search results last night, and I wanted to clarify things.

I don't know that it's "evil" of Google to block searches for "democracy." It's not ideal, but the net result of having a good search tool is still probably positive. There's something of a moral issue at stake, but it's hardly black and white. If the choice is Google minus "democracy" searches or no Google at all, you can make a case that the compromise is a net positive.

However, I think there's a harder moral line for this sort of thing:

Reporters Without Borders said Yahoo's Hong Kong arm helped China link Shi Tao's e-mail account and computer to a message containing the information.

The media watchdog accused Yahoo of becoming a "police informant" in order to further its business ambitions.

A Yahoo spokeswoman said it had to operate within each country's laws.

When you sell out someone for sending an email and that person goes to prison for 10 years, you've crossed the line from trying to provide as good a service to the Oppressed as the Oppressor will let you, and become a part of the Oppressor's system itself. Pretty simple really.

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Watched the speech with Luke and Nick and Kim, his compadre from Hastings. Not really much to say.

The president sure does like setting up false dichotomies.

Human-animal hybrids?

Tim Kane needs to tame that eyebrow if he wants to get anywhere further in politics.

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