"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Yeah, Drupal Uber Alles

So it looks like there's momentum for an increasing level of organization within the drupal community. That's a good thing.

And Dries just said that if someone will work out a way for him to pick up an honorary PhD, he'll go to work for them. So there you go, vendors.

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Brokeback To The Future

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This is the sound of science

The scene needs more XX chromosones pairs, but it's pure and right and true and honest and real to the fucking fullest. People are really trying to Do The Right Thing out here, and they (we) believe one can still do This and also Win. An affront to every cynical lesson you've been "learned" by jaded teachers, so take that to heart.

We're going to connect the world, you motherfuckers. And don't think you can stop us.


Contra that aggressive tone, the morning finds me still kind of optimistic and not at all hung-over, which I had sort of expected to be. I wonder if this sort of can-do spirit, verging on the giddy, is what the real pulse of the dot-com scene was like.

I can see how under these conditions it might be possible to squeeze out more investment than you'd really know what to do with (or deserve), but there's also a recognition here that money can complecate a project, that the volunteeristic nature of Drupal Core is part of what makes it so terrifically effective.

But it's not a pious thing, not like a bunch of folk-singers. People here are perfectly willing to go electric, or whatever. There are some implicit values that we're all chasing. Even if people have a hard time putting their finger on exactly what these all are and what they mean and stuff, one of them is clearly Massive and Total Popularity.

This is a human endeavor that revolves around community, and everyone knows it. Drupal is for the people.

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This is the sound of science

The scene needs more XX chromosones pairs, but it's pure and right and true and honest and real to the fucking fullest. People are really trying to Do The Right Thing out here, and they (we) believe one can still do This and also Win. An affront to every cynical lesson you've been "learned" by jaded teachers, so take that to heart.

We're going to connect the world, you motherfuckers. And don't think you can stop us.


Contra that aggressive tone, the morning finds me still kind of optimistic and not at all hung-over, which I had sort of expected to be. I wonder if this sort of can-do spirit, verging on the giddy, is what the real pulse of the dot-com scene was like.

I can see how under these conditions it might be possible to squeeze out more investment than you'd really know what to do with (or deserve), but there's also a recognition here that money can complecate a project, that the volunteeristic nature of Drupal Core is part of what makes it so terrifically effective.

But it's not a pious thing, not like a bunch of folk-singers. People here are perfectly willing to go electric, or whatever. There are some implicit values that we're all chasing. Even if people have a hard time putting their finger on exactly what these all are and what they mean and stuff, one of them is clearly Massive and Total Popularity.

This is a human endeavor that revolves around community, and everyone knows it. Drupal is for the people.

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The Jokes Write Themselves

So you may or may not have heard about the NASA scientist who was being pressured by the Bush Administration to STFU about global warming:

NASA's top climatologist, James E. Hansen, recently urged swift action to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. When he did, the agency's public affairs machinery went into overdrive.

NASA officials ordered Hansen to submit for review any lectures, Internet statements and journalists' requests for interviews. Hansen recently posted a widely quoted report on a NASA Web site stating that 2005 was the hottest year since comprehensive weather records were first kept.

A NASA political appointee, William Deutsch, nixed an interview with Hansen on National Public Radio. Deutsch reportedly told another NASA public affairs officer that NPR was "the most liberal media source" in the nation and that his job "was to make the president look good."

Young Mr. Deutch (think phonetically for a second), is a 24-year old Bush/Cheney '04 campaign staffer who somehow got the assignment to be the PR hefe for NASA. A 24-year old who has been telling people he's got a degree in Journalism from Texas A&M. It turns out that this, is, in fact, a lie.

Now, I don't think it's all that bad to drop out of school. I've encouraged numerous young people in my field to do this. However, I do think it's sort of indicative of the Bush gestalt that this kid went ahead and claimed he had a degree. And even if he did, what the heck is a political flunky with no science background doing managing public communications from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration? Being a Deutch, it seems. This is also part of the Bush gestalt.

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Made it. At the con. It's pretty cool. All the heads are here.

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I wish JetBlue had taken over the old TWA/Idlewild terminal at JFK. They have the best service in terms of food and free wifi, but that building is an architectural classic. Too bad no one is using it.

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Big Coove

This week I'm headed to British Columbia for DrupalCon 2006.

I'll be using my flight time to do some noodling.

Will post from there.

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Big Coove

This week I'm headed to British Columbia for DrupalCon 2006.

I'll be using my flight time to do some noodling.

Will post from there.

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Ongoing Superbowl Notes

Anyone else notice that during the '90s little segment of the ABC intro had a flash of Clinton, "I did not have..." Weird. What happened in the '90s? Clinton Lied.

Man, Hank Williams Sr. looks pretty haggard.

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