"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

If All Goes Wrong

If it all goes wrong, the State of Jefferson is the official back-up plan. If that proves infeasible, New Zeland.

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Are You Being Secretly Spied On?

So here's what I think is wrong. And here's an example of how it doesn't have to get really excessive in order to mess up someone's life.

What we have right now, in America, is a system where the 4th Amendment is essentially void, where citizens subject to search and seizure at any time, without disclosure or oversight, check, balance, or public record. The 4th Amendment, for the record, states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is a law written before even the widespread use of the telegraph, so "papers" in this context means letters as well as records, and therefore has been understood solidly as meaning long-distance communication like email and phone calls.

Since early 2002, President Bush has personally authorized and re-authorized a program to violate the 4th Amendment, permitting wiretaps without any effort to obtain a warrant. This program is ongoing, happening right now, and justified by the threat of terrorism. This program is illegal.

Now, the line from the apologists for the President's Program is that we can't be bothered with sissy stuff like warrants since we're at war with evil people. The problem is, there's a really fucking easy way to, like, follow the law and get a warrant for anything terrorism-related. It's called the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Courts, a little system devised especially for this sort of thing. You can even get the warrant retroactively if you've got something pressing and need to move on it. In other words, you could search someone's home or tap their phone or take all their shit and impound it, and go get a warrant up to three days later as long as you had a decent explanation. Basically, the FISC's whole purpose is to be a fail-safe to prevent the State from using the guise of national security as a cover for other kinds of searches and seizures.

And the President decided he didn't need that kind of check on his power.

This program needs to stop now. Every unauthorized search and seizure made under the President's Program should be submitted to the FISC for review. Those that are a part of ongoing investigations which are legitimate can and will remain sealed -- that's another thing the FISC does -- until those investigations are concluded. However, if innocent people have been secretly spied upon, they have a right to know, and to seek redress.

For me, this is a line in the sand, so to speak. What the president has done is indefensible. There is absolutely no legitimate reason why you need to go around the FISC to effectively combat terrorism. The overhead for compliance with the law is not unduly burdensome. You can get the fucking warrants three days after the fact for crying out loud. The only reason to do it is to have complete secrecy about who you're spying on. Unchecked power. Tell me that wouldn't be tempting to misuse.

The fact that they're unwilling to open any of this up suggests strongly to me that they have something to hide. Have they been spying on journalists? On activists? On other politicians? On you? On me? It's unlikely that it's you or me, but at this point there's no way to know.

This is a watershed moment in terms of what the American people will put up with in the name of combatting terrorism. Terrorism as a justification for State crackdowns is not going away in our lifetime. We either submit to this threat as an ever-present rationale for taking away any of our freedoms at any time, or we draw the line here. If you're a Bush supporter and you think this is all hot air, imagine if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2008. Would you be comfortable with her weilding the same authority?

Frankly, I'm uncomfortable with either. It's not just that I believe the President, or more likely his henchmen, to be venial and vindictive enough to misuse this power for political revenge, it's that this is cover for any number government agents to violate the rights of citizens.

This is beyond politics. This is about the State turning into a truly oppressive entity. Under an ever-present cloud of war, the State can secretly spy on you, abduct you without arrest or charge, place you in a secret prison, torture and kill you. Maybe because you read the wrong books. Are you comfortable with that? I'm not.

UPDATE: Again, it's ridiculously easy to comply with the law here. In its history, the FISC has rejected only 4 requests for a warrant. That's 4 out of more than 17,000. And again, you don't have to ask for the warrant before you start spying, just within three days after the fact.

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Video Gags, Privacy, Immaturity

Via old compadre Rick Klau's Blog, a story about some San Francisco Police officers in trouble over a joke video that's gotten out. Essentially some SFPD folks decided to do a home-video version of Reno 911, and now everyone's pissed.

Rick seems to think the officers in question should have known better, but I disagree. Look: people have every right to satarize their work life, even in an offensive fashion, even if they're police officers. That goes doubly if the satire is essentially a private communication (the video was indended to be used at a holiday party roast). I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we have such an immature and conflicted society that we can't handle these things.

I also think its ridiculous that the newsmedia felt it was legitimate to publish the video in the first place. It's not like anything illegal happened, and it's not like the video (at least what they show) is horrid or tasteless or overly hateful. It's amateur comedy. So what's the rationale for what seems to be a substantial violation of a community's internal/private workings? My guess is ratings, but we can't really admit that, so the official answer is outrage.

This phony sense of "outrage", the soberly-asked question "why in the world would you make such a video?", the mayor calling this a "wake up call," it's all highly irritating. Grow the fuck up, America.

Frankly, I'm skeptical that anyone is actually aggreved by this, and deeply dissapointed that their supposed offendedness is being taken seriously, even used to score political points. This is the sort of brain-dead/corporate political correctness that gives important values like diversity and tolerance a bad name. By responding critically, progressives (like Mayor Newsom) are only serving to provide cannon fodder to right-wing pundits and undermine what's left of America's liberal consensus.

Watch the video. I agree with the guy who made it completely. It's infantile to try to pretend that this is worth getting worked up about.

UPDATE: God fucking dammit! I shouldn't torture myself like this, but I decided to check the other link from Rick's site about a 49ers media-training tape that the SF Chron decided to publish. This apparently cost a lot of people their jobs, which is an injustice as far as I'm concerned. With the exception of brief nudity and a couple of f-bombs, this is nothing you would't see on SNL. Football players are grown-ups. Odds are they've seen boobies and heard the word "fuck" before. People should not loose their jobs for this.

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Video Gags, Privacy, Immaturity

Via old compadre Rick Klau's Blog, a story about some San Francisco Police officers in trouble over a joke video that's gotten out. Essentially some SFPD folks decided to do a home-video version of Reno 911, and now everyone's pissed.

Rick seems to think the officers in question should have known better, but I disagree. Look: people have every right to satarize their work life, even in an offensive fashion, even if they're police officers. That goes doubly if the satire is essentially a private communication (the video was indended to be used at a holiday party roast). I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we have such an immature and conflicted society that we can't handle these things.

I also think its ridiculous that the newsmedia felt it was legitimate to publish the video in the first place. It's not like anything illegal happened, and it's not like the video (at least what they show) is horrid or tasteless or overly hateful. It's amateur comedy. So what's the rationale for what seems to be a substantial violation of a community's internal/private workings? My guess is ratings, but we can't really admit that, so the official answer is outrage.

This phony sense of "outrage", the soberly-asked question "why in the world would you make such a video?", the mayor calling this a "wake up call," it's all highly irritating. Grow the fuck up, America.

Frankly, I'm skeptical that anyone is actually aggreved by this, and deeply dissapointed that their supposed offendedness is being taken seriously, even used to score political points. This is the sort of brain-dead/corporate political correctness that gives important values like diversity and tolerance a bad name. By responding critically, progressives (like Mayor Newsom) are only serving to provide cannon fodder to right-wing pundits and undermine what's left of America's liberal consensus.

Watch the video. I agree with the guy who made it completely. It's infantile to try to pretend that this is worth getting worked up about.

UPDATE: God fucking dammit! I shouldn't torture myself like this, but I decided to check the other link from Rick's site about a 49ers media-training tape that the SF Chron decided to publish. This apparently cost a lot of people their jobs, which is an injustice as far as I'm concerned. With the exception of brief nudity and a couple of f-bombs, this is nothing you would't see on SNL. Football players are grown-ups. Odds are they've seen boobies and heard the word "fuck" before. People should not loose their jobs for this.

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Good Things Happen In Congres

A bipartisan bill making "redeployment" the official US policy of 2006 will be introduced soon. Props to Kooch for being on top of this, and very big ups to the GOPers (reps Paul and Jones) with the courage to defy the Republican Establishment and sponsor this legislation. We need to get out of Iraq, and congressional action is realistically one of the only ways to get that ball moving.

Given the emerging picture of attitude of the Republican Establishment toward the law -- which seems to be that they think they're above it -- I don't know how much difference this resolution, were it to pass, would make. Still, it would certainly put significant political pressure on the President, which seems to be the only thing he (occasionally) responds to.

The only way to force an end would be to go after the money -- to stop authorizing those $50B payouts -- but that's pretty fucking unlikely.

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Don't Drink The Water

Ok, this is cool. Full disclosure: I'm working on this site through Trellon, but this is creative and inventive enough to warrant a post.

Ironweed is a progressive film club thats trying to help the growing market for documentary film become a catalyst for social change. That's nice and all (and I'm happy/proud to be helping to build this site), but it's the little things that make something sail. Check it out:

Ironweed Films: Don't Drink The Water

With each issue of Ironweed, we throw in a little special surprise that's somehow connected to our films. This month, we're bringing the border to you in honor of Wetback, our premiere feature.

This film is about undocumented workers - the dire circumstances they face in their home countries, the perils that await them on their journeys northward, and the situation they find themselves in once across the border in the US. We feel that it’s time to "come out" and admit that virtually everyone in America benefits from illegal immigrant labor. From lower prices at restaurants to fruits at the supermarket. We're making a statement that it's time to come out from the shadows -- and that people of conscience should be honest and public about it. So, we worked with the San Francisco Day Labor Program, an organization that makes sure undocumented workers receive fair treatment, to find workers to help bottle our water.

They also used Craigslist to find a family in El Paso to go get the water from the Rio and send to to the Ironweed offices in SF. There's a nice little video that explains it all. Pretty frickin' neat.

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Don't Drink The Water

Ok, this is cool. Full disclosure: I'm working on this site through Trellon, but this is creative and inventive enough to warrant a post.

Ironweed is a progressive film club thats trying to help the growing market for documentary film become a catalyst for social change. That's nice and all (and I'm happy/proud to be helping to build this site), but it's the little things that make something sail. Check it out:

Ironweed Films: Don't Drink The Water

With each issue of Ironweed, we throw in a little special surprise that's somehow connected to our films. This month, we're bringing the border to you in honor of Wetback, our premiere feature.

This film is about undocumented workers - the dire circumstances they face in their home countries, the perils that await them on their journeys northward, and the situation they find themselves in once across the border in the US. We feel that it’s time to "come out" and admit that virtually everyone in America benefits from illegal immigrant labor. From lower prices at restaurants to fruits at the supermarket. We're making a statement that it's time to come out from the shadows -- and that people of conscience should be honest and public about it. So, we worked with the San Francisco Day Labor Program, an organization that makes sure undocumented workers receive fair treatment, to find workers to help bottle our water.

They also used Craigslist to find a family in El Paso to go get the water from the Rio and send to to the Ironweed offices in SF. There's a nice little video that explains it all. Pretty frickin' neat.

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Don't Drink The Water

Ok, this is cool. Full disclosure: I'm working on this site through Trellon, but this is creative and inventive enough to warrant a post.

Ironweed is a progressive film club thats trying to help the growing market for documentary film become a catalyst for social change. That's nice and all (and I'm happy/proud to be helping to build this site), but it's the little things that make something sail. Check it out:

Ironweed Films: Don't Drink The Water

With each issue of Ironweed, we throw in a little special surprise that's somehow connected to our films. This month, we're bringing the border to you in honor of Wetback, our premiere feature.

This film is about undocumented workers - the dire circumstances they face in their home countries, the perils that await them on their journeys northward, and the situation they find themselves in once across the border in the US. We feel that it’s time to "come out" and admit that virtually everyone in America benefits from illegal immigrant labor. From lower prices at restaurants to fruits at the supermarket. We're making a statement that it's time to come out from the shadows -- and that people of conscience should be honest and public about it. So, we worked with the San Francisco Day Labor Program, an organization that makes sure undocumented workers receive fair treatment, to find workers to help bottle our water.

They also used Craigslist to find a family in El Paso to go get the water from the Rio and send to to the Ironweed offices in SF. There's a nice little video that explains it all. Pretty frickin' neat.

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Gods Be Praised!

It's 46 degrees. All hail Apollo, or something like that. Huzzah for nuclear fusion.

And now I've got to get back to work.

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The 2006 Outlook

Unless something really interesting happens, I won't be getting professionally involved with any 2006 campaign except through my company. I don't see myself joining up, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to do some work to help Democrats win. Breaking the GOP lock on the Federal Government is important enough in its own right: competative balance is the only way we can hope to stem the tide of corruption and enforce some semblence of accountability on the White House.

Toward that end, there are some possibilities. There are seven GOP senate seats in play at this point. If you happen to live in PA, MO, OH, RI, MT, TN or AZ, there's important work to be done organizing now to help take down some of the most corrupt (DeWine - OH, Talent - MO, Burns - MT) and repugnant (Santorum - PA) members of the Senate. Even if your GOP Senator seems like he/she is maybe allright, think about digging in to help swing the national balance.

On the house side, things are more tricky. Most districts are heavily gerrymandered, but with the national mood turning against corruption and an entrenched establishment -- and with DeLay's scandals making headlines every week -- there's the possibility for the kind of sea change not seen since 1994's "Contract with on America."

Anyway, if you're fired up about stuff, now is a good time to start looking for where to plug yourself in. It's also a good time to start thinking about giving/raising a little bit of money if you're in a position to do so, as "early money" is quite valuable to a lot of campaigns.

I may do some volunteer fundraising later in '06, and will let everyone know what donations I make (not likely anything more than $20 here and there) myself.

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