"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


Here's a question. What do you think of Hugo Chavez?

I'm not sure. I find I'm favorably predisposed to his notions of using oil revenue to build both physical and human infrastructure in Venezuela, and I also find that a great deal of criticism directed his way is speculative (what he "might" do) or hyperbolic. However, I'm no expert. Any opinions?

What strikes me the most as I try to learn more is just how fucked up Latin/South-American politics really are. I mean, I knew some things from my college studies, but those were sort of broad strokes about military juntas, secret police, people being "disappeared" and the like. Trying to read the news from down there presents a more granular, and frankly more difficult picture. Sort of makes me appreciate our own situation, bogus and screwy as it is.

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Moving Faster With Music

So as a concession to the bum-killing cold, I stopped off at CompUSA on the Upper West Side -- where I was meeting with the burgeoning Mike Lupinacci Campaign and then having a much-belated dinner with good ol' Yuliya -- and picked up a 512MB shuffle. It's the right thing for me and my style: resistant to rough treatment, lightweight, and ready to be reloaded on a regular basis with whatever's in heavy rotation lately.

Zipping down from Uriveck's spot in Greenpoint (where I hope to move sometime in January) to my current digs in the Slope took about 25 minutes. That's about five minutes faster than usual, and given the inclement conditions I figure under other circumstances I would have been good for a minute or two more of speed. That's about 6.5 miles as the car drives, so I was making maybe 13 mph on average. A respectable speed.

In the new year I'll be getting a new bike with a bike-computer, so expect some statistics.

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Bitter Cold

Last week's snow is still clumped in icy little piles along the sidewalk. It's been below freezing for the past five days, wind taking it down to single-digits. It's not the best time to be a bike rider.

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Telcos vs. Internet

A while back I linked to a Doc Searls post about the coming conflict between old-school tellecommunications companies and the market changes being driven by the internet.

The fatbacks have fired their first shot: "AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corp. are lobbying Capitol Hill for the right to create a two-tiered Internet, where the telecom carriers' own Internet services would be transmitted faster and more efficiently than those of their competitors."

For the rest of us, thats Verizon (they own AT&T) and SBC (SouthBell Corp's usual brand), and they're basically trying to legislate themselves a position to squeeze money by breaking the end-to-end nature of the internet. They'll get a fight from some other major players who don't want to see their own content under the thumb of the telcos, but the real issue is what happens to you and me and the 50% of teenagers who are content-creators online.

We could very well end up with a cartel of telcos and bigtime content providers (e.g. TimeWarner) who essentially bribe congress into turning the internet in the US into a broadcast medium. That would suck.

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I sent Surge-enthusiast Mike Cambell the link to Save Surge. His response is worth posting, I think:

Indeed, I am familiar with savesurge.org. They almost succeeded in bringing Surge back, but Coca-Cola cancelled plans for a limited production run back in March. Never have I felt more cheated. The whole idea of a free market is that I can exchange money for goods and services, and yet Coca-Cola had stuck me with a hearty, "Fuck you, we don't want your money." I was literally filled with rage.

Then it turned out that Coke was releasing a new citrus soda called Vault. According to nerds on the Internet, it's like 95% Surge. Well, nerds on the Internet know squat, because in a side-by-side taste test between a stockpiled Surge and Vault, Surge was at least 400% better. Vault tastes like piss and has no edge, but Surge is fully loaded and in my face at all times. I'm not ashamed to say that I have an eXtreme leisure style, and there is no place in my life for bullshit fakes marketed as "hybrid energy drinks."

He also included this link to an article about Iraqi insurgents dosing up before combat. Interesting Jacob's Ladder type speculation.

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$100 laptop one step closer

The awesome and fabled hand-crank $100 laptop gets a demo at the UN. There may be a $200 version available to consumers by next year. I'll buy one if there is.

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Energize America

Pretty neat: open source energy policy and message from Kossacks. This is one of those issues that is going to only get more prescient, both in terms of everyday realities and politics, but I'm pessimistic about anyone seizing the day on it in the next few years. Grassroots organization and peer-to-peer consciousness-raising can help prime the pump and get maybe elected officials moving.

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How many women do you have in your IM buddy list? I have none that are not family or work contacts.

That's indicitive of something.

For clarity, I felt it was indicative of something about me, not the democraphics of the IMing population. Clearly the technology is in wide use by all sorts. I just don't happen to use it to talk to girls, which may or may not be a good thing.

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Sam Seder; M-F'in the MAN

Look. For the record, I think this "war on Christmas" stuff is complete bullshit. No one cares, except O'Reilly who uses it to grandstand, and extreme right-wing religious groups who use it to fundraise. I think it's a non-issue for the vast majority of US citizens, and I think it's a damn shame that these right-wing republican jerk-asses are politicizing this time of the year, which is about family and kindness and community and reflection. Fuck them.

So I'm excited that Sam Seder brings a little smack down on CNN. Fuckin-a, Sam. Don't you never back down.

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