"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

With Arms Wide Open

Amazing; via Atrios, two great links about Scott Stapp, aka the singer from Creed.

Quoth Stapp, "311, I'm ready to fight"

And also, Floridian kids pulling a booty-call prank. A desparately horny ex-faux-christian rock start prowls a Ganesvills Denny's... Too strange to be made up.

It's friday!

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Wow. Gotta watch this video. Here's a man with over 2 million viewers. He's quite the performer, but I wonder who's writing this script. Does this shit really resonate with some subset of America? Is O'Reilly making it up himself?

My read is that he's pretty egomaniacal so I can't imagine he'd carry water for someone else. However, it's virtually impossible to take what he's saying here seriously, though he certainly seems to.

Nervous breakdown waiting in the wings? Maybe. I dunno. As egomaniacal as he his, I also think he knows he's a performer on some level, so maybe it is all just script to him.

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Google Maps and Drupal


I wanted this stuff for Vagabender but it wasn't quite ready. But it's going to be pretty kick-ass.

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Poor Old Man Doesn't Understand The Internet

Former Kennedy Administration official Joh Seigenthaler had someone post a bio about him on Wikipedia that he took issue with, is pissed he can't sue whoever did it, Wikipedia for letting them do it, and BellSouth for letting whoever it was online.

His initial response was to call the founder of Wikipedia and bitch. Sorry, dude. You monumentally don't understand what's going on here. The good news is soon you'll be dead and won't care.

You'd think someone who has a Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies named after him at a university would be a little less sanguine about advocating for prior restraint -- which the Supreme Court has roundly rejected, I might add.

Got the link from Slashdot. Good comment/reply here.

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Iraq At The Moment

Bush lauds progress of Iraqi security forces, which seems to be mostly hokum, suggests a token troop reduction. Meanwhile Sy Hersh says bombing will increase; others suspect the El Salvador option.

Out of sheer nerdly compulsion, I'm poking through the National Strategy For Victory In Iraq Report, a very corporate, bullet-pointed, repetative piece of communication that's less a plan and more a summary of everything we already know.

This isn't a strategy document; it's an extended tautology. Victory through the winning.

To the extent that there are any tangible specifics, it reads like wishful thinking. From the executive summary, the three tracks to victory:

  • The Political Track involves working to forge a broadly supported national compact for democratic
    governance by helping the Iraqi government:
    • Isolate enemy elements from those who can be won over to the political process by countering false propaganda and demonstrating to all Iraqis that they have a stake in a democratic Iraq;
    • Engage those outside the political process and invite in those willing to turn away from violence through ever-expanding avenues of participation; and
    • Build stable, pluralistic, and effective national institutions that can protect the interests of all Iraqis, and facilitate Iraq’s full integration into the international community.
  • The Security Track involves carrying out a campaign to defeat the terrorists and neutralize the
    insurgency, developing Iraqi security forces, and helping the Iraqi government:
    • Clear areas of enemy control by remaining on the offensive, killing and capturing enemy fighters and denying them safe-haven;
    • Hold areas freed from enemy influence by ensuring that they remain under the control of the Iraqi government with an adequate Iraqi security force presence; and
    • Build Iraqi Security Forces and the capacity of local institutions to deliver services, advance the rule of law, and nurture civil society.
  • The Economic Track involves setting the foundation for a sound and self-sustaining economy by
    helping the Iraqi government:
    • Restore Iraq’s infrastructure to meet increasing demand and the needs of a growing economy;
    • Reform Iraq’s economy, which in the past has been shaped by war, dictatorship, and sanctions, so that it can be self-sustaining in the future; and
    • Build the capacity of Iraqi institutions to maintain infrastructure, rejoin the international economic community, and improve the general welfare of all Iraqis.

Three tracks with three bullet points each -- this is as meaty as it gets. I don't doubt that acheving all these things would signify great success in Iraq. But unfortunately it isn't going to happen.

While the political process can be slogged out, there's no way I can see creating even the appearance of success on the security and economic tracks. This strategy will fail because the political track alone isn't going to do squat. It's one thing to have an election on a date, to have some guys who are your "government." It's another thing to have them actually able to govern (e.g. some degree of security) over a society worth living in (e.g. one with electricity).

The reality is that Clear/Hold operations can never be successful against a Guerrilla opponent. The reality is that protecting critical economic infrastructure from motivated attacks by native people is impossible without imposing a complete police state. Steps 1 and 2 of the security track and step 1 of the economic track are unachievable unless some sort of cease-fire can be reached with insurgents. Since (as the document points out) there is no entity with which to negotiate, this will not happen.

And so it seems the war will grind on. Maybe more bombing; maybe more local paramilitaries; but basically the same war. Something's gotta give.

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Hey NYC nerds: BarCampNYC

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Gear Grinding

0078h by M83

That's music; click it and see. I feel on the cusp, right about at 2:34 in that track. Felt like this before, though, and I know it doesn't mean anything necessarily.

God damn things seem complex sometimes. Too many irons in the fire maybe. To many moving parts. The gears are grinding. I've been back here in beloved BKLYN for about two months now and already I've got itchy feet, curse of the rambler, thinking about how Mark's got the internets now out in Westhaven, thinking about how to take up hermitage in the Siesta, rack up billable hours, write at a book, maybe get fat or something.

Ginding my gears, spinning my wheels. Time for a tune up? Too much sleep over the holiday; got the sluggishness. Wake it and shake it! Man, maybe time for the gym, for structure. Fuck getting fat, how about getting ripped again? Really hit it and throw some weight around. Or maybe a yoga class is the thing. I seen Ginger Legon (ol' theater comrade) is teaching in the neighborhood. What am I doing with my life? I need to get health and dental insurance and checkups. I need to pay off the IRS, pay off MBNA. I need to get rid of that old mattress and replace it with a bookshelf.

I really need to do some art. I need that sweaty unconcsious moment. I need I need I need. I need to not be bored. I need a distraction, a downer, an upper, a challenge, a doorway to a new dimension. Videogames, drugs, women; anything to throw me into the heat of battle so I don't have to feel the cold out here on the edges. Everyone's sweating the transition. Where's that fucking easy button?

UPDATE: Note to self -- remember to eat food. It helps your mind work right.

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Gear Grinding

0078h by M83

That's music; click it and see. I feel on the cusp, right about at 2:34 in that track. Felt like this before, though, and I know it doesn't mean anything necessarily.

God damn things seem complex sometimes. Too many irons in the fire maybe. To many moving parts. The gears are grinding. I've been back here in beloved BKLYN for about two months now and already I've got itchy feet, curse of the rambler, thinking about how Mark's got the internets now out in Westhaven, thinking about how to take up hermitage in the Siesta, rack up billable hours, write at a book, maybe get fat or something.

Ginding my gears, spinning my wheels. Time for a tune up? Too much sleep over the holiday; got the sluggishness. Wake it and shake it! Man, maybe time for the gym, for structure. Fuck getting fat, how about getting ripped again? Really hit it and throw some weight around. Or maybe a yoga class is the thing. I seen Ginger Legon (ol' theater comrade) is teaching in the neighborhood. What am I doing with my life? I need to get health and dental insurance and checkups. I need to pay off the IRS, pay off MBNA. I need to get rid of that old mattress and replace it with a bookshelf.

I really need to do some art. I need that sweaty unconcsious moment. I need I need I need. I need to not be bored. I need a distraction, a downer, an upper, a challenge, a doorway to a new dimension. Videogames, drugs, women; anything to throw me into the heat of battle so I don't have to feel the cold out here on the edges. Everyone's sweating the transition. Where's that fucking easy button?

UPDATE: Note to self -- remember to eat food. It helps your mind work right.

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Secunia - Advisories - Microsoft Internet Explorer

Secunia - Advisories - Microsoft Internet Explorer "window()" Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability

Fer cryin' out loud, if you've got the option switch to Firefox. I understand about work compuers and admin passwords and if your local IT hefe wants to run the risk (or has to because you got some crap-ass tool that's IE-only) that's really his business.

But if you're running IE by choice, think about switching. It will make the internet a better place and if you use the link I've got up on top of my page I'll get a buckaroo.

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Bush To Announce Withdrawl?

That's the buzz around the water cooler. Another "major speech" announced for tomorrow, and the word of the day is "widthdrawl." As in "pulling out." As in we're going to unleash our load of freedom all over the supple belly of Iraq. Dirty.

I wonder how tense it will be around the White House what with Cheney thinking Bush is a trator now.

Anyway, snark aside, this can't begin a moment too soon. It's abundantly clear that our kung-fu is not working. As much as it may pain the pulsing masss of Angry White Males at the core of the GOP, we're shitty imperialists and we need to stop.

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