"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Amazon.com: e-Books & Docs: The United States Constitution and Amendments

This is totally fucked up. It's the Microsoft e-book of the Constitution. You not permitted to print it.

Digital. Rights. Management!

(from larry)

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So, you can now see online, video of my talk at the INVOLVER press conference we gave last week. It's on involver04.org. There's no comment function over there -- the idea is that all the chatter will happen more local, like here. Point being, if you have two cents (or more) to chime in, this is a place to do it.

I'm going to make something a little more developed out of this soon. Maybe spruce up the powerpoint, lay down a more rehearsed narration; you know, keep up my unabashed aping of Lessig. Maybe this could become something. It might be fun. Could be a ticket to ride.

I see little choice but to go all the way with where my life is heading as of late, to plunge in with both feet, both arms too; head, heart, soul, etc. We talk a big game about bringing our whole personalities to the equation, but for my part I haven't been doing much of that lately.

Part of it is just the natural result of working long hours in an office that's an hour commute both ways. Work often consumes more than 50% of my living hours, which doesn't leave a lot of waking time to be a healthy, well-rounded individual in. Part of it is that I lack some of the outlets I'm used to having. Part of it is just plain atrophy.

Boo hoo. Poor Josh. Ho ho ho. It's not a sob story, it's just a look at how things have been. A look back, savvy? 'Cause things are starting to change. We're gonna cut loose and have some fun with this mutha.

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Rounding the Turn

Summer is on, in the air as well as by the celetial calendar. There's a change in the air; it feels like we're going to win this fucking thing, the tide will be turned back, and if we can hold the tentative and newly-minted alliances together in the post-Bush era, real world change the world change may be possible. Progress is back.

For my part, we had a raging big party last night. Fun times, playing host and running the grill and the blender. Annata, my late-night companion of late, was here, and that was good. I worry a bit about my wandering heart, but then I remember that worrying doesn't do anything but make me worried, that there's stress breeds stress and the best thing to do is to let one moment follow the next like it was meant to be. The most important thing is to stop struggling. Life will be what it is, and right now it's good. I'll take it.

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MfA and INVOLVER on Air America Tonight!

MfA and INVOLVER on Air America Tonight!

That's me in there with Molly, Jared from the Knit, plus two guys named Kyle and Chuck who you may have heard of.

I shook hands with Chuck D... this reality has yet to really sink in.

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MfA and INVOLVER on Air America Tonight!

MfA and INVOLVER on Air America Tonight!

That's me in there with Molly, Jared from the Knit, plus two guys named Kyle and Chuck who you may have heard of.

I shook hands with Chuck D... this reality has yet to really sink in.

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Back from NYC and feeling absofuckinglutely beat. Everything is going good, but there are way too many moving parts at the moment. Here are a couple images flashed across my screen that I thought were interesting.

google news

That's un-edited google news feed irony. Nothing like a machine to make juxtaposition. Thank you Mr. Burroughs.

rod steward avatar

That cracks me up every time I see it.

So I'm a little stressed. Caught some of The Fear from the TV in the seat on JetBlue. They had a test program with Fox. You got FoxNews and three movie channels. I watched part of Princess Bride. Tried to watch part of Moulan Rouge (which I couldn't stand: too much fancy editing, not enough movie), and then caught Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller in rapid succession, plus a mega-softball Hardball interview with Paul Wolfowitz. Makes me wonder why there isn't at least one flaming lefty -- someone of O'Reilly or Scarborough's stature -- balancing all that commentary from the right. Oh well. TV is so 20th Century anyway.

We're having a party this weekend at my house. If you want to come, drop me a line.

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Big Days

The times feel big. We launched Involver, and I guess my little Larry Lessig powerpoint ripoff went over pretty well. I took his style of stark white words on black background interspersed with juxtaposing images of the old and the new (e.g. Democratic party org chart vs. network map of Gnutella). Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I hope to get better at it.

It feels like a rush. I don't want to get the big head (hubris! hubris! pride cometh before the fall), but it feels like we're really making progress. The big ideas are seeping in; respected indie rockers who I've never talked to before are backing the memes now, and it feels pretty good. As Franz and I were noting the other day, nobody else is showing up to move this whole thing forward, so I suppose we'd better go ahead and do it.

Other than that it's been a joy to be back in NYC, even though I feel like 3/4 of a person without my bike here. Jeremy and Wes have a great big new apartment in the old neighborhood, and there's an attractive Laura Dern-looking lady working at the Lyric. Frank's got another odd-job and Julia's back to being single, wants to know if we can make a platonic marriage pact. Kevin Murphy is doing faux-misogynistic comedy, and Sam's got a job writing for the videogames at Ubisoft (which I think is a great place to be in the entertainment industry). Joe Feliece made a power play and got a raise at work. Other than all that, it's just like a month ago but hotter and more humid. I miss it all like hell.

So I try not to get the big head, but it feels like we're stepping into somee big shoes. I have to say I like it.

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Press Day

Involver Press Launch.

This is what I'll be doing today. Press dealybobber at 6 (I'll do a dog and pony show), the happy hour from 6:45 - 8 at the Knitting Factory NY. Come on down if you're in the hood.

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We Are the Scum of the Earth

My friends are degenerates; there's no other way to explain why I was riding in the back seat of a car at 7am this morning (no sleep; drinking) while Wes hung his butt out the passenger window. Hijinks of the type I never really got to do in college; mostly harmless except that the only people out were Polish folks on their way to church. We are ugly, ugly Americans sometimes.

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Free beer if you register to vote

Democrat & Chronicle: Free beer if you register to vote

Cool. Take the poll and pass it on. Currently, "This is a cheap ploy to get votes" is winning, though I guess since they're only giving out 2oz beers it is a little cheap; c'est la vie.

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