"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Ready for the Fade

My mom think's I'm a Social Entrepreneur. Maybe she's right. I'm in a good mood about things in general. Won some money at poker last night, starting to get unbound and more in the flow of things. I'm just back from Punk Breakfast; a mission community venture where you get good leftovers from the kids for just a dollar. Great vibes there, great sunshine outside, great things happening in the world of work.

And Iowa happens tomorrow. This is where the rubber meets the road. I just got my camera hooked up, getting pictures downloaded. Here's my favorite:

Frank Ships Out

Frank, the morning he shipped out to Iowa. Godspeed, my good man. Godspeed.

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Moore Endorses Clark

Wes "The Other White Meat" Clark has netted a high-profile endorsement of his own. Probably better than Madonna, he's scored the backing of Michael Moore.

I don't knock Mike for making his choice. Everyone's got to do it. I disagree with him that Clark is the best man to go up against Bush. He's a political rookie. The last time he was in the thick of it (after his September announement) his campaign imploded rather quickly. I also have heard from a number of sources that Clark is personally not very... trustworthy. His policies sound good on paper, and his resume is absolutely amazing, but I can't shake my sneaking feeling that Clark is just another hack.

I also don't think he's going to implement the structural change that the political system requires. I don't see Clark as empowering people, or doing very much to decentralize and distribute political power; his whole campaign is based on the idea that we need a hero, that the country needs a knight in shining armor to ride in and solve all their problems, that only Clark can carry the day. I don't think we need a hero. I think we need to become our own heroes. That's how we save the damn world; if you want something done right, do it yourself.

For full disclosure, I don't like Michael Moore the personality. He's a good film maker, but as a political operative he reminds me of no one more than Rush Limbaugh. He's our Rush, so I kind of like that he's there, but doesn't mean I take him seriously. He does some good things, but I don't think he's especially politically savvy or insightful. I don't think he believes in people. I think he's part of the Liberal Aristocracy that kind of sees the country as stupid, and I don't think he does anything to try and raise the common denominator or really get people to think independently. So take that into account when you weigh my assessment.

This probably helps the General among the kids, but I disagree that Clark is our best candidate against Bush. This is no time to send up a rookie.

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Good Vibrations

I'm channelling a little old Hunter S. Thomson tonight. The countdown to Iowa is intense, but I'm feeling positive about this thing. George Bush was publicly booed today laying a wreath at the MLK memorial. Prostesters were walled behind busses, but apparently audible for the president. I fired off this to Leutenant Robbins, who's in the Shit somewhere near Wanoski.


Do you relaize how fucking invaluable the experience you and Joe are getting right now is? You're fighting it out in the shit, and doing it for one of the most amazing political campaigns in American history. Very few others will have a chance to claim the experience which you are now earning. It's a good career move, if nothing else.

But we're going to win this thing, Frank. We could finish second in Iowa AND New Hampshire and still win this thing. The reason is that we've got an amazing candidate who says amazing things. The only thing they really have on our guy is that he shoots his mouth off. Nothing he's ever said is indefensible.

The other reason is the sheer fucking brute force this campaign has nationwide.

Kerry's surging in Iowa. People want a hero. Makes sense that the Anointed Prince, long faced-bandit that he is, will ride again. The problem is, this prince doesn't come off like a standard-bearer in real life. Nice in paper and photographs, but when people see him on the stump, they loose their vigor. He's a ponce, and everyone knows it. His young days of throwing his medals on the floor of congress are gone, and cynical people now wonder if even that gesture was entirely for real. Kerry seems kind of like a Phony.

Edwards drives a cool bus, but he's too young and nice looking for these dark times. In 2000 he would have been divine on the stump against Bush, but these days you need some serious political gravity to stand on the national stage, and his sunny Carolina charm just don't cut it. He should do well down the line, when times improve or he grows a wrinkle or two. It's a long way to the top if you want to Rock and Roll, kid.

Gephardt... poor Gephardt. The tired old warrior has strapped the Armor once more, and he's lumbering around the field laying waste to wherever his heavy mace will reach. He's a tough motherfucker, but his won/loss record just isn't promising. He's dropped the ball one too many times in the past, and outside his hard core people aren't comfortable with him, given how high the stakes are. Everyone more or less knows the old ways are gone.

Leiberman has completed his transformation into the dad of the girl you tried to date in high school. The one who never let you stay out past 10.

The Clark (Other White Meat) is down at the other end of the court shooting freethrows, winking at the cheerleaders, and thinks he's winning the game. He's not getting beat around, but he's only now laying the groundwork outside NH to really hit big in any of the following states. He has roots, but not the same kind of self-directing, freelance, contra partisans that Dean has raised.

Dean. That hard working little bugger just won't go down. They've been hitting him with every fucking thing they have, aiming almost all their energy at taking him down. Even in Iowa, no one can pause to take their eyes off Dean for fear he'll jut ahead and torch them all. Dean's shock troops will keep up the good work, reminding people that Dean's just a doctor and a levelheaded Governor of the state of Vermont, and that he wants things to be the way they should be. And he's got a fucking posse.

And he's a likable fucking man. People Magazine knows this, and by proxy so does the country.

Any opponent of his will be facing asymmetric guerilla warfare on his home turf (the south), and under heavy air, artillery and infantry assault everywhere else. That will be the scenario against Bush as well, once the time comes.

I predict we soften our "movement" edge, play up the positives in what Dean is proposing, get some more people to endorse a Sea Change in how the democratic party is run, and we'll be sitting pretty by mid march.

The only one who can compete is Clark. He's the compromise candidate in terms of how the party will be run: the establishment, but with limited netroots armies. Anyone else will find it difficult to raise big money on a timetable to compete, and no one can hope to "go live" in more than 2 or 3 of the 20 upcoming primary states.

And Clark will fall. His support is not as solid as ours, his grassroots not as deep and wide, and his campaign still probably a little buggy. Apropops his resume, he's the candidate who is more untested in battle. We will outlast, and the opposition to Dean will not rally behind any one candidate. We can count on at least half of everyone else's supporters to come back when their candidate of choice drops. More than half, I think.

On my front, preparations for the joining of the Major battle is going well. We're assembling some amazing siege machinery to assault the The Court of Bush's with. We've got the guns, AND we've got the numbers, and we have a great story to tell. This movement is going to roll.

Lock and load. The velvet revolution begins.

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Biking up through the liberally aristocratic hills of San Francisco; cresting up to the part on top of Bernal Heights and walking up and over a pasture to discover an unubstructed panorama and a nice rock for sitting and taking it all in.

I come home to this: people in Minnesota gathering to work for Music For Ameirca on their own. We will go there at the end of the month. I'm very excited.

And there's Paul Krugman's Army, and me spouting a little fiery rhetoric. Reclaim the dignity of your own experience.

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Girls, Women, Working Out

A new year and a new era dawning. Emergence from the old ways of thinking and a world of possibilities. There's a lot of stress around these days. Roommate buddy Dan is starting up the atkins diet. Frank and Joe are in the trenches and taking heavy fire on behalf of my man Dean. There's a lot of work yet to be done saving the world, and frankly on some days I'm not up to it.

I swung in in close to old flames back in New York, but it's left me with a new kind of calm. You can't go backwards. It's futile to try. Time's arrow is a one way thing.

Today I rode a little bike, and I lifted some weights last night, and I had my sister and her friends in town for a couple days. All conspiring to elevate my mood. It's the year of the Monkey; it's a time for vindication, for foundation, for progress. It feels like this year is maybe where the rubber meets the road. The most important thing is to stop struggling, let's let out the clutch, put it on rails, cut in the nitrus. It's time to bust, move like a goddamn mythical creature of some sort.

I feel hungry again. Hungry and sharp. I like it. Numbness is receeding. I feel as if a tumble is coming on, a roll if you will. This is the beginning of something.

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Any of you outlandish readers know any outlandishly bright people who reside in or around Spaceship San Francsico who are tech-savvy and looking for part-time employment? I'm taking a stand against this bogus economy and hiring an assistant. Send resumes and whatnot my way.

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The Media

I don't often link to the o-blog these days, but this entry excerpting a Salon article should be passed around to everyone and anyone.

Watching the striking similarities between the way the D.C. press is covering Dean and how it treated Gore, and contrasting it with the way it has treated President Bush, it's becoming harder to avoid the obvious conclusion: that Democratic presidential front-runners and nominees are held to a higher, tougher standard by the Washington press corps....

Or, in the words of Chuck D: don't believe the hype.

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Life Update

Oh, and I'm back in California. And my sister is visiting. And it's good to be in my own bed. And the future is exciting.

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An Exercise in Super-Local Outreach

I believe in the power of technology to organize political campaigns and discourse, but there comes a point were the meat comes into play. That time is now. My man Frank is in Southeastern Iowa campaigning for my man Howard Dean. I'm helping in what capacity I can from Spaceship San Francisco. If you are a Dean Supporter and you want to do something, help me help Frank. He's looking to get people in his precincts to take the plunge and go out to caucus. It's all about making the connection with them; helping them find one another, helping them feel like it's important enough to take the time out to do it.

So here's the deal. You get in touch with me (or Frank direct) and we write very very very targeted letters. We talk about how our good freind Frank is working hard in their area, and how it would be just so amazing if these people could get a group of people together to caucus, and how Frank and his cohorts will do whatever it takes to help them get there.

I'm going to write my letters this afternoon and I'll post my talking points here as a jumping off point for y'all. My thinking is that if we can get 10 friends of Frank to write 2 letters each, we might be able to swing 3 or 4 Iowans into going out to caucus. If we can do that, we can give Frank a major boost in his efforts.

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Holy Fuck Man

The Storm Gathers; my man Frank is in the frickin' swirl of this. I'll see if I can get something of a report on the front from him.

OJ: Lt. Robbins... Lt. Robbins... Spaceship San Francisco requests and update of Iowa caucus process... Lt. Robbins, do you read me?

Clap hands.

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