"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


You know, I get a funny and odd feeling when I look at the Music for America traffic report, and I realize something I had a hand in making was seen by 1000 people yesterday, and probably by 10,000 by the end of the month. Whoa. Traffic on the old OJ is also up, after being pretty much in decline since the summer.

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Good Times

The only problem
        with making out with 21-year-old girls
  is that if you're playing
the Velvet Underground
  they may ask you
        "is this the Strokes?"
other than that
it's pretty nice

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Condensed Thought

More essay-like accretion of content by me: Part two of my three-part series over on the Blogging of the Presidency.

The budding movement of participation is about more than presidential campaigns; it's also about our role in the world as people, the meaning of life itself. It's about our culture, how we live our daily lives. Participation is what you get done in your short time in this universe, and it would seem that people are increasingly discontent to spend their time merely as spectators.

It's not quite as rousing as I wanted it to be, but I think I covered all the bases.

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Velocity Note

I got a new bike this weekend, a beautiful piece of aluminum. It's like going out on the ice right after the zambonie; almost scary how smooth it is and how fast it can go. My front wheel will jump off the pavement if I really put the hammer down in a low gear; torque up the wazoo. For a shakedown cruise, I pistoned my way up the biggest hill that you can get to the top of, and then over to the beach and then back around through the city. This could become a ritual.

And I found the webiste for the local pirate radio station..

And I switched up the RSS stuff over there. I might really start changing the way this page works in the near future. I want to start feeding in more RSS and I want to make more static pages for people and places and things non-transitory. I want to make some more mp3s or something; more art.

It's been a pretty wild couple of weeks; I can't believe there's still so much to go through. I worry that I'm burning myself out, that the work I'm doing won't add up to enough, or that it will all work out and then what? I worry that it will render me either jaded or pompus or somehow both. Just jitters I guess. Ohm.... keep the focus == kick out the jams.

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Heard On Radio

Had to drive down to the office to get supplies for tonight's shows. In the city, I tuned in to the pirate station on 87.9; all music, no commercials. That ended once I got around the hill to South San Francisco, and I had to switch back to commercial stuff. First thing I heard was Nirvana's All Apologies -- "I whish I was like you/Easily amused" -- and then the DJ came on live from the Metrion in downtown, talking about some awesome new digital toy that can get you video game, mp3s and music videos. Oh man.

And it was xmas for me from me. I got a digital camera and a bike. The bike really excites me. In fact, I'll take a pictures on a ride tomorrow. It's a sexy piece of aluminum; 62cm frame, weighs maybe 25lbs. Oh man indeed.

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The Long Knives

Me on the daily kos, with my opinion on the last best Dean smear to come from other Democrats:

Quote me on this now: this is the last gasp of the anti-Dean wing of the Democratic party; if he can weather this, the nomination is his. This is the only thing he hasn't been directly attacked on, the idea that somehow because he wasn't a solder, he can't effectively criticise Bush's handling of the post 9-11 situation.

You can read my whole thing here. I also just gave Dean $50. I wish my dKos diary had an RSS feed; I'd do all my political bloggin' over there and just feed it onto this page.

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Good Vibration

Things are going good for the most part. I cycle through bouts of mopey isolation and clear-eyed hopefulness; still haven't found a solid groove but sweating it less. I'm getting to be ok about not having an active social life for a while. It's worth it if we can be successful. Maybe I'll get to swashbuckle around winning sympathy and kindness from strangers. I could dress in bright colors and put forth the dashing yet sensative parts of my personality, play up the Prince Valliant angle. I dunno, more likely I'll stumble yet again to safety. I'm feeling better about that though.

And your daily googlebomb: unelectable

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Time To Be Jazzed

It's widely expected that Al Gore will endorse Howard Dean tomorrow in NY. My sources on the inside aren't talking, but I have a good feeling about this. It's un-fucking precidented.

Think about the prospect of a President unowned. Someone who leads a regular life, a doctor who drives his kids to hockey and lives in a pretty modest house in Vermont. Imagine what someone who believes in facts might do if he didn't have one hand tied behind his back by special interests. What would it be like to have someone in charge who not only cared about me and my life, but who was seriously inviting me to be a part of the process of shaping the world.

That's a revolution, if you ask me; one without enemies. It's the Right Thing to have happen, and it can happen. It will. Especially if you make yourself a part of it.

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Vanity Moment

So here's what I look like lately; more angles/less tangles. I think the site needs a new redesign too; too mellow for me. Maybe go back to the hot colors. Special thanks to Kim for doing a bang up job with the chop. It makes me look a bit younger, but I'm getting to a point where I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Part of the rebirth. All the tension about how seriously to take myself is starting to melt away as resolution increases. No more shrinking violet, eh? Time to be on the roll.

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