"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Eugene Blues

Riding my mom's bike around a little in the warm summer night, getting a little bluesy. Problems that rattle through my head lately in no particular oder: too much talk about television... who might or might not have a drinking problem... will I ever stop checking out every woman I see? laundry-mats are lonely places at night... missing the innocence and excitement of youth... wondering what exactly I'm going to do with myself...

I think more structure is in order.

But it's a nice night for now, a quiet sunday and the air is nice, and it feels good to roam the streets and pedal slow with no hands. Life here feels smaller and somehow more precious. It makes me think about how much of our experiece depends on where we place our beliefs, what we come to value by choice or by custom. There's a whole world going on just down at the local pizza shop, dramas and feuds and hope and love and probably even some questionable poetry, but we'll never know the whole story.

It's there though, and it comes from people becoming attached to one-another and to their dreams. I want some.

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BioAlgae For Power Plants

MIT program that's awesome. Using the waste CO2 from a power plant to grow algae for biofuel. It cuts down power plant smog, and recycles the waste carbon into another fuel.

Some neat tricks too:

Berzin and his coworkers “tailor” algae to perform well at a specific power plant. They use a terrestrial cousin of a miniature bioreactor designed for the International Space Station. As algae grow inside the bioreactor, their environment is gradually shifted to conditions they will encounter at the plant. Within three months, the tailored algae are thriving on flue gases instead of air. No genetic engineering is involved. “We just use the natural tendency of algae to adapt to any environment,” said Berzin.

I think there's going to be some huge overlap soon between bioengineering and energy applications. All non-nuclear non-geothermal energy we have is solar at the root.

Fossil fuels come from fossils (well, mostly old algae), which get their biomass from the sun. Getting some crazy plants to jack up the photosynthesis and/or create electricity directly will be a coup, and it should be totally possible.

I'm hoping we'll see cool new stuff from The MIT Energy Research Council soon.

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BioAlgae For Power Plants

MIT program that's awesome. Using the waste CO2 from a power plant to grow algae for biofuel. It cuts down power plant smog, and recycles the waste carbon into another fuel.

Some neat tricks too:

Berzin and his coworkers “tailor” algae to perform well at a specific power plant. They use a terrestrial cousin of a miniature bioreactor designed for the International Space Station. As algae grow inside the bioreactor, their environment is gradually shifted to conditions they will encounter at the plant. Within three months, the tailored algae are thriving on flue gases instead of air. No genetic engineering is involved. “We just use the natural tendency of algae to adapt to any environment,” said Berzin.

I think there's going to be some huge overlap soon between bioengineering and energy applications. All non-nuclear non-geothermal energy we have is solar at the root.

Fossil fuels come from fossils (well, mostly old algae), which get their biomass from the sun. Getting some crazy plants to jack up the photosynthesis and/or create electricity directly will be a coup, and it should be totally possible.

I'm hoping we'll see cool new stuff from The MIT Energy Research Council soon.

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Ahmadinejad Interview

The Passionate Persian Speaks, granting an interview to Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes.

It's actually a pretty bad interview. Wallace is not sharp, Ahmadinejad (politician that he is) isn't interested in getting pinned down, and the added element of translation really takes the zing out. However, it's interesting and worth seeing, if only because we get a lot of information about Iran/Ahmadinejad from a lot of other sources, and it's worth seeing what the man himself looks and sounds like.

Even more interesting is the commentary from readers. Here are three in a row, verbatum:

Almost all posters here need to take a logic course.

And pretending to be Christian is wrong. Why not just admit that yes, Islam does say it's okay to kill the infidels. And THEN why not listen to your conscience and realize that is wrong, and leave Islam and turn to the true and only God who can fill you with love instead of hate? Jesus died for your sins too! But he wants you to repent and turn to him in faith.
Posted by gntlstrngth at 10:24 PM : Aug 13, 2006
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Both the CBS interview and ScottRose's comments demonstrate why the rest of the world hates us, and it has little to do with history or politics. If we could just drop the adolescent, pride-filled, antagonistic attitude with which we engage in discussion (in everything from diplomatic foreign affairs to simple internet postings) maybe then we can start to make some progress in redeeming ourselves in the eyes of the rest of the world.
Posted by mburlone at 10:24 PM : Aug 13, 2006
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I don't normally watch 60 minutes but watched this interview because it was very timely and pertinent to the war in Lebanon. The interview was too short in my opnion and the questions were not well thought out but simply cut and pastes from sound bites from other recent news casts. What I noticed most (besides my previous posted comment that this was used as a PR event to generate sympathy for Iran in America) was the weird look and wry smile on the Iranian president's face - what was he really thinking I wonder? Here's my guess (picture this thought in a cloud balloon above his head "these stupid infidels, they must all become Muslims and bow down to me or be killed". Yeah, I'll bet that's what he was thinking.
Posted by jaybowe at 10:20 PM : Aug 13, 2006

I can't really offer further commentary on the commentary. Sort of speechless.

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Pork Shoulder; Vegan Brunch; Playing Kick the Keg

It's been a wild week, the "last week of summer" as some have called it. Julia cooked us a series of encredible meals in Weshaven, with ingredients I've never heard of, tastes heretofore unknown, richness and flavor previously unimaginable. The coup de grace was a pork shoulder. It was one of the best dinners I've ever had in my life; no joke. I wish I'd thought of taking some pictures.

So I'm back up in Oregon for a short spell. Last night was Cian and Ashley's wedding ceremony. They actually got married back in December, but hadn't had a party for extended family and friends. Cian's sister set up a great spread in her back yard and we all got too drunk and there were fireworks and a midnight burrito run and a morning of pure teenage hangover death, then Vegan brunch. Good times. Again no pictures. Sorry.

We're now staring down the barrel of Fiscal Year 2007, time to get back in the business of getting shit done. I've got to start making some careerish moves. The summer has been a horizon-broadening experience, and now it's time to get to the next step. Lots of ideas, and still evolving.

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In the three years since Bush invaded Iraq, the average retail cost of gasoline has doubled.

It's not blood for oil, really. It's blood for oil company profits. After all, the important part of "black gold" is the "gold."


You know what else has doubled since the Invasion of Iraq? Exxon's Stock Price. Just sayin'.

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The Threat

We have a bit of a probem here in America in that a bunch of people sort of lost their minds after 9/11. I was there. It was a bad fucking day, and a deeply weird and sad and confusing time for a while after, but some folks seem to have taken a harder swerve than others. A few seem to have never returned.

When the shit went down I was in a meeting in Midtown, pitching some older guy for funding on a business plan I worked up with my man Peter Crawford. Once we got the gist of what was going on, that this wasn't some terrible tragic accident, this older fellow took a quick and savage turn of mind, going off on a diatribe about "flamethrowers in the foxholes" and "the sands of Iwo Jima."

That's fine and all. Vengance is a deeply human desire, especially in the immediate face of such a monsterous act. But I think a lot of people took two steps down that path and never looked back. Now it's going on five years later, and we have the likes of Joe Lieberman claiming:

"too many people... don’t appreciate the seriousness of the threat to American security and the evil of the enemy that faces us — more evil, or as evil, as Nazism and probably more dangerous than the Soviet Communists..."

This is, not to put too fine a point on it, fucking insane. Mark Schmitt at TPMCafe:

[U]nder any possible definition of "threat" or "enemy" it cannot possibly be as dangerous than the Soviet Union at the peak of the Cold War, with multiple thermonuclear devices pointed at every one of our cities and towns. And, I don’t know exactly how to score "evilness," but not much matches Hitler. I suppose in some way bin Laden and Zawahiri’s hearts may be as filled with evil as Hitler’s or Stalin’s, but they don’t have the SS and Luftwaffe at their disposal. Maybe they would send us all to concentration camps if they controlled half of Europe, but thankfully, they live in caves and can’t use the phone.

I'll reiterate: I experienced 9/11 live and in-person. I have no illusions about the committment of terrorist networks to strike at the US, their willingness to destroy innocent human life to do so, or the threat that this represents. However, looking at the statements from the likes of Joe Lieberman, Dick Cheney and company, I can draw only one of two conclusions: either these people have gone off the deep end, or they're among the most cynical and manipulative fearmongering douchebag demogagues to ever hold positions of power and authority in this country. Crazy or criminal, take your pick.

UPDATE: Likewise, you have pundits like Andrew Sullivan who are trying to stake out a new position against the war, but who still need to peddle the belief that people who are (and always have been) anti-war (which is to say: right), are still somehow "unserious" and have not in the past four years put forward alternate proactive strategies for dealing with the problem terrorism presents in particular, and/or the problems of the Middle East in general. This is willfully-ignorant dishonest bullshit. The Editors rap it down.

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Annual Survival Celebration

Happy birthday Brie!

Happy birthday Frank!

Go get 'em, Leos.

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Fat Babies

No, not "fat babes," obiese infants.

There's something deeply and thermodynamically wrong going on with our country.

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My Generation

Youth Speaks

From politicalarithmetik.

More on this front on Future Majority.

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