"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Fan Mail

First, John McCrory does a nice number on the David Brooks piece I was talking about yesterday.

Now, I got two separate emails today (well, last night at 2am) through my contact page. I thought some of you might get a kick out of them.

Subject: dean

Howard Dean is an absolute freak! This is ssssooooooo fun! Hope he keeps on ranting his stupid vapid spiel, funny as hell, bradley as running mate could not be any funnier! This is gonna be a great year! yours truly ad

Subject: power

He ended one speech I saw simply by repeating "you have the power." Can you imagine George Bush doing this?

Can you imagine someone so pathetic they really think the American people have to be told this? Of course Americans have the power. That is why Dean is a pathetic idiot, and that is why the American people are not going to elect this dumb dumb!!!!!!!!!! yours truly ad

This is going to be fun, I'll agree there. As for whether or not the American people have to be reminded from time to time that they have the power, I think the numbers speak for themselves. In national elections since World War II, the United States ranks 103rd in voter participation out of 131 democracies.

Oh, and while I disagree with your take "ad," I'm a staunch supporter of getting wasted and sending people politically-minded email. 'Nuff said.

