"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Pandagon: Just Say Fuck It

Someone better be planning to hire these little bastards as soon as they're done with school. Jessie Taylor nails it:

That's the Bush plan for terrorism: designing a plan with a series of objectives, watching the plan summarily fail to meet the objectives, and then saying that anyone who opposes the plan opposes the objectives. It's a continual excuse for failure, and nobody should be afraid any more to point out that Bush's godawful plans will meet none of his supposed objectives.

Don't be afraid. If Bush's plan is now to declare Kerry the choice of terrorists, Kerry should respond that Bush is the worldwide leader in making us less safe from terrorism. That it has the added benefit of being absolutely true is even better. These are the grounds of the debate. Either we can win, or we can keep our hands clean and watch Bush invade another country, fuck that up, and declare anyone who points that out a terrorist simp.

"I'm not gonna go to sleep, and let this wash all over me..."

