"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Quotes From HST

Quotes from HST in late 1969:

I've been reading "Fear and Loathing in America: The Brutal Odyssey of an Outlaw Journalist," which is Hunter S. Thompson's collected correspondence from 1968 - 78. Here are some choice bits I came across last night that seemed to echo with contemporary relevance:

On The New Journalism:

But the whole concept of "new journalism" is bogus -- unless we admit that honesty in a journalist is something new. The old, Hearst-style journalists had a privileged relationship with power -- and they paid fr that privilege by keeping a lot of warts and chancres off the public record. This tradition is still strong, especially with big-city newspapers, TV news departments and national newsmagazines...

So the "new journalism" is nothing more than a repudiation of the whole concept of privileged communication between newsmen and their sources... Nixon learned this lesson in 1960 and '62. This year he treated the press like a bunch of scorpions, playing "influential" reporters off against each other and awarding private interviews like gold stars for good behavior. I spent 10 days following him around New Hampshire and by the time I was finally granted an audience I felt almost lucky. This feeling passed very quickly, however, and now -- on the basis of what I wrote -- I have no illusions about getting a job as a White House correspondent. For the same reasons, I'll have a jaundiced view of any correspondent who seems "close to Nixon."

On The First Freak Power Campaign

Hunter and his Aspen-based cohort of anti-development refugees from the coastal cities launched a spur of the moment takeover bid, and came within a few votes of installing a 29-year-old hippie lawyer and motorcycle racer as mayor. This near victory set the stage for Hunter's own campaign for Sheriff.

The idea was to first mobilize our hidden vote -- Freak Power -- and then, using that as a power base, go after the small but very vocal "liberal vote." I was convinced that we could win by putting these two blocks together... and as it turned out I was right: That combination would have won by at least 100 votes out of 1,200 -- but it never occurred to me that most of the local "liberals" would back off at the last moment, leaving us with what amounted, in the end, to an "under-30 vote" and a hundred or so defectors from the old, failed-liberal camp who said, "Fuck it, let's run flat out this time..."


Electoral politics is such a foul and rotten game that only a fool would play it except to win and move on to something better.

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Park Slope is a little different from Gpt/Wburg, not to mention the 'Shwick. It's older, all buildings stone and brick, no siding and few "new" looking places. It's more racially mixed, yet also more yuppified. Williamsburg has money pouring in -- just an obscene amount of real estate development, seemingly a lot of upper-class foreigners, and the third wave is definitely on -- but the Slope has been a destination for young urban professionals, especially couples, for more than a generation.

And, oh yeah, there are babies everywhere.

So I sit in the coffee shop and make funny faces at this ultra-cute toddler while his mother goes on to her friend about her husband (who she never mentions by name) and her various exes (who she does) and how it's sad that they haven't yet "gotten their act together."

"Which Barnes and Noble does he work at? ... Yeah, I think he's still bitter..."

It's going to be an interesting couple of months living here. Who knows? Maybe I'll like it enough to stay, though I find myself leaning more towards joining Operation Snowflake back out in the East Wburg/'Shwick area.

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Scalito Redux

The first line of attack but the GOP against the "Scalito" meme seems to have been that it was an anti-Italian slur. Chris Matthews carrying the water there, original credit to right-wing smear ace Matt Drudge.

Of course, it won't work. I mean, really... the Left opposes Alito because he's a stinking wop dego? Come on. Y'all are slipping.

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Moving Day

I'll be getting into my own place today, down on the slope. First permament address in 7 months. Yeehaw.

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Watched a little BattleStar Galactica last night with Luke and Steve and Julia. Re-runs for me and luke, but new stuff for the others. We went out around the corner to a lovely restaurant (kind of incongruously lovely for the 'Shwick... seems to be leapfrogging the neighborhood development) called Northeast Kingdom. Vry tasty organic chicken pot pie, $12. Cans o' Pabst, $2. Works.

Anyway, I'm reminded what a good show that was and I'm looking forward to picking up some Season Two action. Luke's got it on his HD. I can't imagine what it would be like to try and watch with commercials.

If TV people have any brains, they'll get behind initiatives like this Video iPod thing that let regular people do what us Nerds do when we use bittorrent, external hard-drives, some adaptors and couplers and a little patience to watch our favorite episodic video content at our leasure and without consumer propaganda interrupting it every 10 minutes.

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So the guy Bush puts up for the Supreme Court -- Sam Alito -- is roundly anti-abortion, thinks a husband is legally a co-owner of his wife's uterus, gets the nickname Scalito, etc. I'll be fighting this, but the odds are that he will be confirmed. Sorry.

Meaninful reisistance to movement conservatism is going to have to take place on the state level. They won't directly overturn Roe v. Wade in the sense of making a national ban on abortion, but they will continue to weaken federal protections for privacy, and push the strong stuff (things approaching outright bans) through state and local law. We can and must fight back in the same places.

That means organizing a whole lot more people. Luckily we've got some nacient organizations in place which are working on chapters. In the long run, I think we'll win. In the short run, things look pretty tough.

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Bill and Patti got married! Congratulations!

My Aunt Janis had inadvertantly tipped me off about this over the summer, but I think that Pa wanted it to be a surprise. They had originally planned this I think for their trip to the Adderondacks, which got nixed because Patti busted her leg. Anyway, I'm glad they didn't let that stop them. Really lovely to see.

While I'm at it, I should also note that my cousins Sam and Terry were also recently married. I believe I was on the road, and they happened to plan them for the same weekend (that's my family! <g>), and that my man David and his special lady Jessica are getting hitched in a couple weeks back in Oregon. 'Tis the season, I suppose.

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I'm planning, getting a feeling for what I want to do here. The business is going to work out, and it's going to leave me with enough free time to do some other things. Projects. I'm looking forward to projects.

One of those is going to be a re-org of this whole "josh's website" business. I'm realizing how much of the supporting content for this site is neglegently out of date, think maybe moving to drupal and updaing a lot of the non-blog pages is in order. I'm also going to transplant my political writing... somewhere. Not completely, but I realize that I'm producing different kinds of content here and I want to take this site back to its roots as an individual gonzo institution. I think it will help me produce better stuff.

In a perfect world, the political content moves to a website I start as an effort to organize and develop and publicize my book idea. In a perfect world I also get to use the regular blog to be a real time autobio, which will partly be about the process of the other stuff I do. I think that will let me push things forward on multiple fronts.

So things will be moving and shifting. May be totally broke from time to time. Please bear with us in this time of transition.

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Ciao Lyric

Lyric Lounge
Back when it first opened and I lived across the street...

Went to the Lyric Lounge closeout party. A good time was had by all, I think. Jeremy made the mistake of inviting two (2) ex-girlfriends, one of whom -- our friend Kristy -- created her second Princess Leah gold bikini outfit. 2.0 for her, last one sold on ebay. Anyway, she's half-naked, and the other -- our friend Lilah -- isn't. Caused a little drama. Could have told ya, brah. Never works out.

Overall it was everything you could have wanted. Archie working the door. Cal talking big about the future. At least one fist fight. Carrie gives out t-shirts to the former staff: "It's closed now. It never happened." But the place is getting a raucous send-off. Murph rolls with an entourage of asian women. Lots of women around, actually. Devil girls. dead girls, girls from Kansas. Viking girls too. Working class cocaine. We're in for the long haul, the idea for the closing party to drink the place dry.

I have a crush on a bartender, which is good and bad. Good because it gets me out of a tight spot with some pink-haired lady. Good because it's exciting for me to have a crush on someone. Good because she's interesting and beautiful of course; and tall, oh yes. But bad because I know her from the bar, so 9 out of 10 times she's seen me I'm looking back through the whiskey. Last night does nothing to break that pattern or set new expectations. That's me, par for the course. Just like all the other leering jackasses. I've been trying to play the long game there, but I get the impression that I'm running out of time.

So I get gone around 5:30 (would have been 6:30 without the fall-back clock change) and I get McDonalds from Meeker on the way back. That's another thing I haven't done in several years.

And now it's Sunday and I'm hearing the misfits in my head -- this is a ghoul's night out -- and Todd Snider (below), and I've got to start thinking about work and the future and tomorrow and things like that. And, and, and. Yes. Selah.

Play a train song
Pour me one more round
Make 'em leave my boots on when they lay me into the ground
I am a run away
out of my one-track mind
And I'm lookin' for any kind of trouble that I can find...

Who knows where life goes from here. You grows up and you grows up and you grows up.

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Fitzgerald Indictments

Got home, decided to peep a little C-Span. Woke up, decided this needed a little re-writing for clarity.

One thing that's striking to me that I haven't seen blogged about (though I'm sure others have observed it), is that part of Libby's intended alabi is that he was passing some information on without knowing if it were true. This was the manner in which he supposedly blew Valarie Wilson/Plame's identity: "well, you know what I hear? I hear the buzz from some other reporters -- you know, Tim Russert is one of the people who told me this -- is that this Wilson guy's wife works for the CIA. Oh yeah. What? No, I don't know if she does or not, but that's what I hear..."

In other words, the manner in which the office of the Vice President interacted with the Press -- which is not unlike how other public and political officials do -- is intimately bound up in the crime. It's quite a regular thing to traffic in rumors and nudge-nudge-wink-wink leaks like this, which I think is a problem with our public information ecosystem. That Scooter Libby was savvy (or devious) enough to use this to construct an alabi for a crime against national security serves to highlight the problem fairly well.

Libby seems to have been thinking that as long as that's the conversation that got traced, he could give the same story to an investigator as he used to spin off the fact-as-rumor to the press. Then Fitzgerald found evidence that Rove had told him previously, and that he had talked about it previously. He didn't learn it from other journalists. The result? Libby, called back to the Grand Jury, was actually forced to claim that, "yeah, Karl told me that, but see then I forgot and when I heard that "rumor" from Tim Russert, it was as if it were for the first time. "

Scooter Libby, born again virgin.

In terms of what's really going on here, I think billmon has a good take. Fitz really zeroed in on busting heavy on the coverup. He also essentially said in his press conference that because there was a coverup, he couldn't indict anyone for the explicit crime of outing Plame, because the statute that applies is pretty heavy. The presence of the coverup means you can't really tell what's going on, so best to prosecute that.

But the investigation continues. It would seem that the "anonymous" Official A listed in the indictment -- aka Karl Rove -- is in the sights, although there's a certain tempting logic that Fitzgerald will lean on Scooter to burn someone more powerful than Karl. Still, I don't think it will drag on too much longer.

UPDATE: However, that being said, this is also the truth:

The moral of the story, I think, is that we really need a public investigation through the political system to get to the larger conspiracy here - the cabal that took us to war under false pretenses to further their own unstated aims. Our challenge, as citizens, is to force the political system to live up to its obligations. This is where I am pessimistic for obvious reasons - when the Congress is in the hands of the President's party, it's hard to imagine a repeat of the Senate Watergate hearings.

The grand jury process is designed for secrecy, to protect information about individuals who don't end up charged with a crime, also to protect whistleblowers or people who testify against their superiors. Fitzgerald's investigation is not going to indict the whole White House Iraq Group, the cabal of Bush Administration figures (and a few select others, like Judy Miller), who conspired to "make the case" for invading Iraq.

If we want accountability on that, it's got to happen through congress. If we want that, Democrats need to take control of either the House or the Senate. While I try not to villify the GOP en masse, I just don't seen them launching an investigation into the White House's use of false and misleading information in their effort to sell the war.

I dunno... I sort of loose interest here. Anyone who cared to pay attention three years ago could plainly see that a decision had been made to pursue an offensive against Iraq. Anyone who cared to look could see they were committed to whipping up support by any means necessary; humping the smoking hole at ground zero and vastly overstating the threat Saddam Hussein represented. Anyone who cared to listen could hear careful language -- misleading without being criminally false -- reflecting intention and planning.

But the people who mattered didn't care to see, or perhaps saw and didn't feel they could or should do anything about it. The simple fact is that the DC press and Congressional Democrats are accountable for the success of the Bush Administration's campaign of dis-information. The Bush administration is obviously accountable too, but we have checks and balances and a free press for a reason. With alarmingly few exceptions, everyone in power dropped the ball here. I'm not holding my breath for these people to come out and admit this.

Remember: regular folks never really supported this war. If you look at the levels of support, a greater proportion of American citizens were skeptical compared to those in congress or in the elite press corps, who were overwhelmingly either cooperative or openly cheerleading the war. The public was more right (or less wrong, if you like) than congress or the press. Don't forget it.

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