"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Biking Leads To Poor Sexual Performance?

And I thought it was just because I wasn't 18 anymore:

A raft of new studies suggest that cyclists, particularly men, should be careful which bicycle seats they choose.

The studies add to earlier evidence that traditional bicycle saddles, the kind with a narrow rear and pointy nose, play a role in sexual impotence.

Some saddle designs are more damaging than others, scientists say. But even so-called ergonomic seats, to protect the sex organs, can be harmful, the research finds.

Holy shit! This is really bad news! I've always been a fan of the cleft, which reduces the appearance of numbness, but apparently it falls short of a real solution, and may make the problem worse:

In men, a sheath in the perineum, called Alcock's canal, contains an artery and a nerve that supply the penis with blood and sensation. The canal runs along the side of a bone, Dr. Goldstein said, and when a cyclist sits hard on a narrow saddle, the artery and the nerve are compressed. Over time, a reduction of blood flow can mean that there is not enough pressure to achieve full erection.

In women, Dr. Goldstein said, the same arteries and nerves engorge the clitoris during sexual intercourse. Women cyclists have not been studied as much, he added, but they probably suffer the same injuries...

Today's ergonomic saddles have splits in the back or holes in the center to relieve pressure on the perineum. But this may make matters worse: the ergonomic saddles have smaller surface areas, so the rider's weight presses harder on less saddle, Dr. Schrader said. The perineum may not escape injury because its arteries run laterally and they are not directly over the cutouts. The arteries can come under more pressure when they come into contact with the cutouts' edges.

It's hard to talk about your penis not getting hard, or as hard as you'd like, when you're gettin' it on. But this is an important topic for men to get used to dealing with, and it's only going to be more of an issue as time marches on.

This plays a part in pride and enjoyment, as the advertising world reminds us. The vast majority of consumers of Viagra and its kin aren't trying to treat full-on impotence; they're trying to go from 60% (which is on the border of functional for intercourse) to 100% (the punishment!). It also affects people's sexual health choices. All the people I know who have unprotected sex do so not just because it's a different world of sensation, but also (and even primarily) because putting on a condom exacerbates any problems you might be having at that moment maintaining your boner.

Personally I haven't had frequent problems here. I still use protection rigorously, and I've been fortunite to be with women haven't made me feel bad when I have had problems with my circulation. Bully for me. However, the phrase "loss of libido" makes me nervous. Apropops my moments of romantic longing, I've writting in my private paper journal before about how I seem to have less and less of a hunger -- less acute, less often -- for the sensual things in life. Part of this is without a doubt a product of hormonal maturity, and part of it might be lingering depression, stress or fatigue. But what if my love of two-wheeled human power is also a culprit?

"We make kids wear helmets and knee pads," Dr. Goldstein said. "But no one thinks about protecting the crotch."

Well, I sure as hell am thinking about protecting my crotch now. I'm going to be getting a new larger track bike at some point when I get back to NYC. Looks like it's time to invest in a noseless saddle too.

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Ego Death and Discovery

Since switching servers from good ol' Neureal (who are excellent if you just need some low-rent hosting) to somewhat more nerd-pleasing Tektonic (where I can do cool shit like run Ruby and lighttpd), my ego has taken a beating. See, Neureal gave me webalizer to analyze my stats, leading me to believe I was developing an audience in the thousands.

Now I've got a slightly more clueful stat package what filters out hits from bots trying to post links to online poker and stimulants, and I find out that fully 50% of my traffic is bogus. Which is still a lot of readers. But not as many as I thought. I'm dying! Ahhhh!

Well, ok. Actually I rather like the homey nature of this old website. So don't cry for me, Argentina.

On the plus side, my new stat package can list referrals (inbound links) and filter out self-referrals and search engines pretty good. This is awesome because when I look at the list to see who's linking to me, I discovered that Scott in Plano has a blog! Here's an example:

Well, last weekend was fairly eventful. Friday I didn’t do a damn thing, played some Socom II and went to bed, in anticipation of camping trip at Lake Texoma. The plan was to meet in Dennison at noon, so I got up early, and decided Roger should be up too. Hmmm…what to do, I KNOW, load the potato gun up with a sock and fire it into his bedroom. Scared the shit out of him and woke him up, mission accomplished (I know I will suffer payback, but it’s worth it.). Of course our friends are running late, and noon came and went, so while the spud gun is still warm lets have some more fun. Here’s a rundown of the conversation:

Roger: Let’s shoot a sock at each other.
Me: Uh..I don’t know about that.
Roger: C’mon, it’s just a sock, how bad could it hurt.
Me: Okay, but you go first.

Fuckin' a. I'll tune in for more of that; reminds me of having fun in Texas (audio from vagabender). It's one of my great regrets from the road that we didn't get around to taking pictures of topless girls at Burning Man with the potato cannon they gave us to send to Scott and Roger. My fault for loosing Mark's camera. Sorry guys!

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Ego Death and Discovery

Since switching servers from good ol' Neureal (who are excellent if you just need some low-rent hosting) to somewhat more nerd-pleasing Tektonic (where I can do cool shit like run Ruby and lighttpd), my ego has taken a beating. See, Neureal gave me webalizer to analyze my stats, leading me to believe I was developing an audience in the thousands.

Now I've got a slightly more clueful stat package what filters out hits from bots trying to post links to online poker and stimulants, and I find out that fully 50% of my traffic is bogus. Which is still a lot of readers. But not as many as I thought. I'm dying! Ahhhh!

Well, ok. Actually I rather like the homey nature of this old website. So don't cry for me, Argentina.

On the plus side, my new stat package can list referrals (inbound links) and filter out self-referrals and search engines pretty good. This is awesome because when I look at the list to see who's linking to me, I discovered that Scott in Plano has a blog! Here's an example:

Well, last weekend was fairly eventful. Friday I didn’t do a damn thing, played some Socom II and went to bed, in anticipation of camping trip at Lake Texoma. The plan was to meet in Dennison at noon, so I got up early, and decided Roger should be up too. Hmmm…what to do, I KNOW, load the potato gun up with a sock and fire it into his bedroom. Scared the shit out of him and woke him up, mission accomplished (I know I will suffer payback, but it’s worth it.). Of course our friends are running late, and noon came and went, so while the spud gun is still warm lets have some more fun. Here’s a rundown of the conversation:

Roger: Let’s shoot a sock at each other.
Me: Uh..I don’t know about that.
Roger: C’mon, it’s just a sock, how bad could it hurt.
Me: Okay, but you go first.

Fuckin' a. I'll tune in for more of that; reminds me of having fun in Texas (audio from vagabender). It's one of my great regrets from the road that we didn't get around to taking pictures of topless girls at Burning Man with the potato cannon they gave us to send to Scott and Roger. My fault for loosing Mark's camera. Sorry guys!

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The Future of Vagabender

I just posted all the other audio cuts I have from this summer over at Vagabender. They're not as produced as the first bits, but they're potentially humorous all the same.

I'm planning to open that site up for anyone who wants to share their tales of vagabonding, benders, or just the adventure of everyday living. Needs a little redesigning, but A-stock said he'd post about going to Singapore, and my mom just got back from France with all kinds of great photos, so I'll get it ready for them to kick off soon. If you're interested in posting there, let me know.

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Sip Sip Wifi

So I'm sitting here outside the offices for GRASS commons because I didn't call before coming over and Lewis and Ethan are out, but there's wifi, so I think I'll kick it and do some work on the sidewalk.

Reminds me to hanging out behind a Comfort Inn in Utah.

Oh now to work.

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Sip Sip Wifi

So I'm sitting here outside the offices for GRASS commons because I didn't call before coming over and Lewis and Ethan are out, but there's wifi, so I think I'll kick it and do some work on the sidewalk.

Reminds me to hanging out behind a Comfort Inn in Utah.

Oh now to work.

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Guess Who's Back?

My mother returned from France today, totally energized. It's really something. I have a hard time keeping up with her enthusiasm.

I'm going to try and get her to post some writing and photos on vagabender.com, which I'm going to slowly make into an open platform for my friends and family to share the wild and rollicking details of their lives. A-stock just got back from Singapore and will probably be our first post-road-trip poster, then maybe my mom.

I think it's a good idea. There are a lot of travelers in my extended social family. Could be fun.

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Something No One Says

To be horridly wonky for a second, why doesn't anyone point out in this controversy over Bill Bennett's statement that aborting every black baby in America would lower the crime rate that the pretense of an underlying logic -- which as been the matter of some debate -- lies not in crime rates but rather arrest and conviction rates.

Why? Because apparently it's taboo to point out the flawed nature of our criminal justice system and the way in which it can easily be perverted by racial prejudice, conscious or subconscious. It's not just false convictions. Black people are more likely to face arrest for things that otherwise might be let slide or demoted to a non-criminal infraction. Do the phrases "non-violent drug offender" and "mandatory minimum" mean anything to you?

Here's how it works. You criminalize an activity that an enormous number of people (including, on occastion, yours truly) partake in. Then your leave the choice as to what happens when this activity is discovered by the State in the hands of the Police (for choosing what evidence to collect and whether to even make an arrest at all) and the Prosecutors (for choosing what charges to bring and whether or no to invoke manditory minimums). Then you let the wheels of the criminal justice system grind away.

Now, there are many other factors underlying the higher arrest and conviction rates for african american citizens. Broadly speaking poorer education and health care leading to fewer career options ("life chances" as the sociologists say) are the most stastically significant. I'm just surprised that no one has pointed out the underlying flaw in the presumption that arrest and conviction rates accurately reflect demographic levels of criminality.

We'll someone did say it; Max Sawicky, who was one of the first politicla bloggers I read back in the day but who sort of fell off my radar. His site is looking awesome and he's a smart motherfucker.

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If You're Seeing This

If you're seeing this, you're seeing the new server.

So here's an interesting observation. It's been at least three years since I've done any cocaine, but I was out tonight and someone had some, and it still provoked a physical response more acute than any other drug I've casually encountered. And it's not like I ever did all that much blow, so it's not like what I was feeling was a jones. It's that strong of a drug, that it will make your nose itch three years later. The only other thing I know that can do that is a woman. Interesting.

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Bloggin' for MFA

I got involved with a thread back at good ol' music for america, and now I've written a blog there about the myths of "Moral Hazard" in thinking about health care.

If you want to know why people are wrong when they say, "we can't have free health care because people will abuse the system," go read it.

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