"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Calmer Now; Total Control

If I were a scientologist, I'd say I was clear. For the first time in a while, I had a good run of being truly present.

I sort of realized that everything was gonna to be allright, even though everything is also totally fucked up, and I felt as if a weight lifted from my shoulders. And then I cleaned up around the house and waited for some guests to arrive and then rode my bike along Scenic drive to Trinidad for a few groceries (whiskey, coffee filters, bannanas) and it was beautiful.

Presence is perfection.

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Cats! Cellphones!

I love this pic from Pa and Patti's site:

Kaiser and Joe

Those are Kaiser and Joe, the big fluffy cats that got transplanted from Eugene to the Farm. Consider this my "friday cat blogging."

And in other family news, my mother is getting a cellphone. This is truly the 7th sign. The days of the Red Dawn are surely upon us.

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Internet-wide Polling

An interesting little Trellon/Drupal project -- we made a polling module that keeps track of vote sources. It also lets you drill-down in the answers section. The client, a new non-profit called The Sunlight Foundation (tres cool), has just rolled out the first big public use. Try it:

You can only vote once. You can view the results here.

I think this poll is going to be pretty lopsided, but I can see future uses that are much more interesting.

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Internet-wide Polling

An interesting little Trellon/Drupal project -- we made a polling module that keeps track of vote sources. It also lets you drill-down in the answers section. The client, a new non-profit called The Sunlight Foundation (tres cool), has just rolled out the first big public use. Try it:

You can only vote once. You can view the results here.

I think this poll is going to be pretty lopsided, but I can see future uses that are much more interesting.

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What's Been Going On?

It's been a busy yet pretty much unremarkable week here in the State of Jefferson. We had visitors down over the weekend, and the past two days I've been working on finishing old projects/making up for missed time.

I like it here. It's slow, but I like it so far. I need to do a better job of structuring my schedule. All the hurlyburly of the past month (left NYC, spent a week in Vegas at the Yearly Kos convention, flew to SF for two days, then up here for two, then to Oregon for four, then back here to recieve holiday visitors) has made it difficult to organize.

I've been reaching back into my old bag of slogans over the past weeks, revisiting my old philsophies. My introspection comes in the night, usually taking advantage of the hot tub or getting a little light quasi-yogic stretching done. I'm a big bath-taker, so the tub is a great luxury, and one I heartily embrace.

When I find myself retraicing my steps mentally, I make a note of it. When you cover the same ground, you're probably on to something. It may be time to make a decision, or set a goal, or admit something. 'Tis all one.

So what have we learned? Well, I'm nervous. I worry about wasting my summer. I'm skittish about opening myself up. I don't know if I'm any good. I worry about the next phase in life. I worry about the worry. Wheels within wheels.

One of my better hoary old chestnuts goes Believe in the Divinity of your Forward Momentum. I'm having a hard time doing that lately; the nervousness. My forward momentum is at the moment a bit murky and strange. I don't doubt my potential or ability to make it in the world for one second, but I do wonder what the fuck to do with myself.

I like things that drive me forward. I liked my fixed-gear bike. I liked New York City for this reason. I need to be pushed, but I'm pretty picky about where I'll take it from. I think part of the test of these months is whether or not I have it within myself to be my own motivation.

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All You Need To Know About Net Neutrality

I go on about this "Net Neutrality" thing and our need to "Save the Internet" from time to time, and I know I don't do the greatest job of explaining it. I probably could if I spent more time on it (or I was a ninja), but luckily for me there are even more brilliant and articulate voices out there, and my blockquotes know kung-fu.

Doc earls Suitwatch*:

Yes, there are costs -- very large ones in some cases -- to bringing fiber-grade internet connections to homes and businesses. And there are costs for connecting to backbones. But we need to depend on carriers to fund the capacity? Put another way, Why should we depend on companies that accelerate into the future with one foot on the brake pedal while they park in the middle of intersections and charge us to cross them?

The short answer is, We shouldn't.

That means we have to depend on ourselves.

And the tide of history. Because that, more than anything else, is on our side.


"Broadband" is like "long distance": just another name for transient scarcity. We want our Net to be as fast, accessible and unrestricted as a hard drive. (And in time even that analogy will seem too slow.) The only way that will happen is if the Net becomes ubiquitous infrastructure -- something which, in a practical sense, nobody owns, everybody can use and anybody can improve.

There is infinitely more business in making that happen, and using the results, than Congress can ever protect for the carriers alone.

Doc closes with a jab at the carriers ("Will someone please tell them?") in regards to this greater potential for business with an open platform. I think this is pulling a punch, really. The current conglomorates which control telecommunications in the US are a very long ways away from seeing the light on this issue, and everybody pretty much knows it.

It's possible that if they loose this fight they may be saved by their own incompatence, and seeing the error of their ways embrace a radical and new way of thinking about how to maximize shareholder value, but somehow I doubt it. That's not how boards of directors work in my understanding.

Let's be clear, I don't want the Government to control the internet any more than William Fucking Buckley does. There are tons of potential problems with that, some more troubling than likely, but frankly I resent the characterization.

I'm even more annoyed that this rhetoric seems to work with congresspeople. I'm sure the bribes PAC Contributions help, but it seems so juvinile. Everyone recognizes that the government isn't the the right outfit to run the show here on anything like a day to day basis -- jeesus, do we have to keep saying this? we're not fucking communists, people -- but that doesn't mean I want to leave all decision-making power in the hands of these corporate fatbck imbicilles.

I want a well-regulated market for access to the internet, with true local, regional and national competition, a broadband "dialtone" for everyone who wants it, and no upper limit on what any individual, community, municipality, or corporation can do. Wouldn't that be nice?

That's a feasible idea, and a real possible outcome if we keep a level playing-field. It'll be a big win for everyone. I realize there's an element of manifest destiny in this kind of thought, and we've got to keep that in check, but come on: there's plenty of bandwidth, let's use it.

* This is a public email list. Doc's Suitwatch Archives are open and public, and well worth reading too.

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Girthy Graduation Speech

Many of you may have been waiting for this since my teaser post a while ago; here's the video:

The story is that my friend Nick was elected by his UC Hastings classmates to speak at graduation. The final product is a great blend of school-mockery and political commentary. For instance:

Every year they jacked up our tuition like they were trying to match the national debt, and every year our ranking dropped like Dick Cheney's hunting buddies.

Our last year here they did us the favor of cutting the school in half and shoving us all into one building, which was a strategy I found particularly disturbing. They rented the faculty some nice offices at UN Plaza, but for the students, they put our bookstore in our gym and the library in our lounge. Now I actually used the gym; the book store and the library, man, I avoided those places like my name was Clarence Thomas.

It's 8 minutes of all-American fun. (Bumped, because this belongs at the top)

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Politics and the People's Video

I've had some concerns that as increasingly sophisticated means of media production (video) become more widely available, we'll see a serious decline in the quality of discourse. It's a truism that a lot of the internet video out there is total crap, and even though the totality of written content (aka the "blogosphere") is hardly of sterling quality, there's a lot of really good writing going on. It would be a shame if this were overshadowed by the advent of flickering idiocy.

Well, I'm thinking this might not be such a problem. Video has a great way of setting the credibility bar.

That's a link to a woman named Pamela who's been one of the new blogging stars on the Right. There's video. As you can see, she's kind of "out there." It actually makes me uncomfortable to watch. The idea that a lot of people go around with this kind of inner monologue puts my guts in a knot.

On the other hand, whoever's backing Michelle Malkin's play has higher production values. This kind of Propaganda will be more effective, I think. This is the sort of thing that the right wing movement needs to feed its people to keep them psyched up and motivated. The results of this kind of information diet are not so pretty.

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Next Gen Video

While Google Video and YouTube are casting the widest net for video content online (and MySpace and others are gunning for a more personal view on things), I think the real services to watch are the ones with fucking revenue sharing. Three I noticed today: eefoof.com, lulu.tv and revver.com.

These are where the action is at: if these business models mature, we should hit a tipping point at which it becomes economically viable for small and efficient home/hobby producers to make the leap into some stage of "professional" production, funded by the revenues from their viewers.

This is what the entertainment industry most fears: a population that can amuse itself.

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Corporate Bureaucracy

Interesting NYT article on how bad customer-service can be:

To listen as Mr. Ferrari tries to cancel his membership is to join him in a wild, horrifying descent into customer-service hell. The AOL representative, self-identified as John, sounds like a native English speaker; he refuses to comply when Mr. Ferrari asks, demands and finally pleads — over and over again — to close his account.

One of the things that always irks me about conventional political wisdom is that red tape, bureaucracy and organizational ineffectiveness are the exclusive province of the State. "That's what you get from government," and the like. The truth is that large business organizations are as bad or worse, and are fundimentally less accountable.

In most cases the actual answer is to increase transparency, which is something that all bureaucrats (State, Business, Non-Profit or otherwise) resist. Gotta be done, though.

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